Soul Cakes Part 3

This chapter is dedicated to Sravanthi82 who won the opportunity to name a character earlier this month. <3


How could he not have told her about what he did? Was he trying to hide it from her? Was it a secret? This was her past and her life prior to him… he should have at least… let her know!

So many emotions were running through August at the realization of what she was now so sure had happened when Graeme was off pack land and had gotten shot.

There was relief at the deaths of those who had hurt her and overwhelming love for her mate who had desired to avenge her. But there was also anger and profound grief that this event from her past was being allowed to continue to affect her life now.

Graeme shouldn't have felt the need to do that. And he was hurt! Probably badly hurt. Who knows what had happened exactly and how much danger he was in.