Contentious Space

"What else happened?" August asked. She could feel his mind running over something else that he wasn't saying.

"I'm worried about your eyes," he pushed off the counter and rounded the island to come stand next to her.

"It's not like there's anything wrong with me," she laughed softly and looked away from his intensity.

She didn't have an answer for this, and she didn't want him to worry about it when there was so much else going on. When she looked back up, his forehead was still creased, eyebrows threaded together as he looked her over.

He couldn't feel or sense that anything was wrong with her, but… why was this happening? He ran a hand down the side of her face, his thumb lingering, tracing her eyebrow and the curve of her orbital bone. What mysteries were there still inside of his mate? He thought of the male Violet had described who had the same eyes. Perhaps she was mistaken, but… the mention of him stealing her wolf. He gulped and dropped his hand.