Pillow Talk 2

"Is she okay?" August stayed put against Graeme's body, too comforted there by his warmth and the delicious feeling of his protection to move. For some reason she had a feeling she would need that comfort for this conversation.

Graeme's silence in response to her question was answer enough. But Violet had made it back here and she was lycan, so how bad could it really be?

"What happened?" the words were cautious, unsure of whether it was their true desire to be answered.

"She is not healing," his voice grave.

"What do you mean?" August finally pulled away, shock and confusion warring for expression on her face.

"She has wounds all over, and they aren't healing as they should."

"But why?" a frown creased her forehead. No wonder his thoughts were so unsettled about this.

"She says it was from a bite," his eyes searched hers, wondering if she would be able to hear this without it affecting her own feelings about herself.

"Why would a bite cause that?"