Pre-Dawn Walk

Graeme was trying to quietly get ready to leave without waking August. Greta told him she would stay behind with her in case she woke while he was gone.

"Don't you think she'll want to see the fire lit?" Greta raised an eyebrow toward him.

"I… I want her to get some sleep," he turned back hesitantly to look at Greta. Should he be waking her? "Do you think she'll be mad?"

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Would you be mad?"

"Yep," she replied, making a popping sound with her lips like she could foresee the coming fight between him and his mate. She raised the tea cup to her lips with a smirk when Graeme groaned and looked down undecidedly at his feet.

"Ready brother?" Sam called after he descended the steps. "What is it?" he asked after seeing Graeme run a hand through his hair.

"Should I wake August?" he asked his Beta, wanting a second opinion.

"Nah. She can hang here with Greta. All the fun stuff is later."