Don't Call Me That

"Your name wasn't Zosime before?" Lucas asked.

She slowly shook her head.

"What was it?"

"It doesn't matter," she dismissed it, avoiding his increasingly curious eyes.

"W-why? Do you prefer Zoe?"

She screwed up her face. She didn't prefer it since it was him who gave it to her. But… she didn't have a better alternative.

"It's fine." She fidgeted with the tape on her wrist that was keeping the IV catheter in place. "There's still a lot I don't remember."

"I'm going to let Graeme know you're awake," he told her, pulling out his phone. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"Ice water?" she asked.

"How about some ice for your face?" he finished texting on his phone and looked back up to catch her feeling the stitches again.

"Will that help?" she asked timidly.

"Yes, I think so."

"Okay," she agreed.

"All right, I'll be right back," he assured her and left the room.