Alpha Glare

"Mmmm," August hummed in approval after taking her first bite of the pie. "This is good."

Greta shot her a grin before turning around to slide the coffee across the island for her.

"I'm spoiled," August laughed.

"Yes you are," Greta rolled her eyes. "But that's okay. You deserve some spoiling."

She watched August continue enjoying her afternoon snack before she pushed away from the counter. "I already showered, so I'm going to go get dressed. Come up when you're ready, okay?"

August nodded, eyes going wide as she sped up her bites and took a sip of the coffee. Unfortunately, the coffee couldn't be rushed so once she was done with Greta's delicious pie, she carried the mug with her back into the bathroom where she quickly showered.

She heard Graeme come into the bedroom as she was drying off.

"Everything okay?" she asked, opening the door to let the steam out.