Let's Find You a Coat

"One last thing," Greta said as she looked August over.


"I know Sylvia gave you the necklace, and it's beautiful. But it doesn't match. Is it okay if you don't wear it just for tonight?"

"Oh," August looked down at the purple sugilite pendant that Sylvia had given her at their first reiki session. She rarely took it off. "Of course."

She unclasped the necklace and left it on the small end table next to Graeme's bed.

"Then I think we're ready," Greta nodded.

While Greta was doing August's hair and makeup, Sam had returned and both males had gotten dressed. Now Greta could hear them pacing impatiently downstairs and the occasional grumble from her brother about how much he hated dressing up.

"This is one tradition I don't understand," Graeme mumbled, pulling the emerald velvet sleeve of his jacket.