Zoe's Visitor

Lucas saw the door to Zoe's room was open and slowed his steps. Had she left? Would she run to avoid revealing her truth to the pack?

For some reason the air was cold the closer he got. He could see his breath, and this confused him further.

When he finally arrived at the doorway where he could peer in, he saw a dark slender figure gripping Zoe by the throat. He snarled and lunged toward the figure, but then he was slammed against the wall by a force he couldn't identify.

"Zagan, no," Zoe cried, resisting against the creature's grip on her.

"You assign value to this animal?" the chilling voice released her and stalked closer to where Lucas turned over onto his side, waiting for his vision to stop spinning.

"No, of course not," Zoe insisted, the desperation clear in her voice though she was trying to hide it. She knew he wouldn't spare Lucas if he thought there were feelings between them.