Glimpse at Sage

"I don't remember the pigs being a thing before," Zoe grumbled as she followed Zagan down another row of the grunting, smelly creatures that were rooting around in their hay-filled areas. They appeared to be well cared for at least.

"They provide food for the alyko who live here," he explained.

"So you don't keep all the alyko locked next to pigs?" she asked, not seeing evidence of anyone else so far.

"No. They are quite happy on this island, I think," he said thoughtfully.

Zoe scoffed, but he ignored her. She wondered if he actually meant the pigs were quite happy on the island rather than the alyko.

"Even pigs as neighbors is an improvement on how I was treated," she grumbled again. "What happened to the dungeon?"

"I don't do that anymore," he said curtly.

She stared at his profile as they walked, surprised by the change. "Why? Why was I so lucky?"

He sighed, glancing at her as he did. "I realized it was not conducive to bringing out abilities."