Hypnotic Eyes

"Thank you for having me, Cian," the Luna smiled. "Is.. Pen-el-ope going to be okay?" she asked, stumbling over the name as if she had just learned it.

"I believe she will be, yes," he smiled, his facade unperturbed. "I think she just needed to clean herself up. Did something happen to her while you were alone together?"

August's brow furrowed in apparent thought. "I think I… I don't know… I may have done something? I don't understand how it is possible. All I know is that I was upset, and she startled me, and then… she flew against the glass. It doesn't make any sense. Maybe it has something to do with what happened to me in suicide forest," she mumbled.

"Do you remember anything about your time when you were lost?" he asked, head tilting curiously.