Debating Zoe

"Don't worry, Selah, we won't tell your father about you and Sage unless you agree to it," Graeme said, causing an objection to bubble up in Sam's throat that the Beta then choked back down when Graeme shot him a silencing glare. "How do we bring my memory back?"

Lucas rapped his knuckles on the door frame of the office entrance, leaning on it and wincing afterward. He wasn't resting enough to allow his ribs to heal as quickly as they could.

"You lost your memory?" he asked, having overheard the question. "You might want to, uh, keep your door shut in the future," he added when three pairs of eyes turned to glare at him. Graeme growled as Lucas began limping in.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone Alpha," Lucas groaned before collapsing into one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"What happened to you?" Graeme scowled.

"Ah, just a vampire. No worries. Zoe is back," he told them. "She wants to speak with you, although if you can't remember anything…"