Exploring the Castle

"The great thing is that no lycans can scent you," Penelope spoke quietly to August who was preparing to venture out and explore the castle. "If you see him…" she emphasized the last word, "or anyone for that matter, then just act lost or something. But don't take too long and hurry back."

"Why don't you just say his name? What is the big deal? Zagan. See? I said it," August replied.

Penelope winced with the sound of his name. "Focus on what you're about to do. And don't go walking around the castle saying his name, for Goddess' sakes."

August grumbled something under her breath and peeked her head out of the doorway, looking both ways down the hall before she finally walked out and turned to give Penelope a big grin.

"I honestly don't think you are going to find anyone here. I haven't seen anyone," Penelope told her. "They are likely on another part of the island."

"It doesn't hurt to look. We have to start somewhere," August shrugged.