Catching up with Violet 2

"I would know if I was marked, right?" Violet asked. "I mean, th-that's a p-pretty major thing."

Graeme pressed his lips together. He wasn't sure what it would be like if a mark was forced on someone. Did that even qualify as a marking? Did it have to be consensual?

"Have you talked to anyone else about this?" he asked, assuming that there was someone else who would know better than he would how to handle this or what to tell her or how to comfort her.

"Yes. Sylvia came and talked to me. And Beth, the healer," she sniffed.

"Good," he sighed heavily and studied the floor. "Where is your mother?"

"I haven't called her yet. I left without telling her anything, and I don't know if I want to see her. I don't know how she will react," she shrugged. "I don't have a wolf, and I am all banged up everywhere, and I don't know if I want anyone else to know other than those who already do."

"She will want to know. Your mother loves you, Violet," he reassured her.