Greta's Anger

"What the f—… why were you in Violet's room to be BEGIN with?" Greta snarled in disgust at her brother. Was he out of his mind? Had he completely lost it?

Graeme stood in his office with Greta and Sam after explaining to them the eyes he saw the night before. He kept trying to convince himself that it was his imagination—after all, he and Lucas didn't find a trace of anyone or anything outside of the pack house afterward—but it kept nagging at him, the reoccurring sight of those golden eyes. The memory seemed to get sharper each time—more realistic—rather than fading into unknowability.

He stared guiltily at his feet with his hands folded behind him, his stomach churning at the scolding from Greta that he knew he deserved. Only Greta could make him feel like a pup again. She had that maternal presence that affected him like he imagined his mother would.

"You know Violet will stop at nothing to get you back under her spell," Greta continued, glaring at her brother.