
Nedra and August stood just inside the tree line of the sunny woods looking out at the containment facility.

"It is… impressive," August said, squinting at the two wings of the building that jutted out towards them.

One of them almost looked as if it were engulfed in flames, though it was just the effect of the architecture with its copper exterior and the interesting wavy lines of its facade. The other had trees and the green of growing things climbing its sides and interior such that one might think the island woods had been swallowed up by this part of the building. Apparently the other two wings faced the sea.

"What is the center part sticking up there?" she asked. It looked like the fruit crown of a pineapple made of gold and glittering glass reflecting the sun.

"The lotus. Inner containment is below it," Nedra answered.

"It's pretty," August said politely.