Seeds of Prejudice 2

Graeme fixed his golden stare on the male who had questioned him now and who had once threatened his mate in conspiracy with the elders. He prowled through the crowd while Terach remained rooted defiantly in his spot, unwavering as the Alpha approached.

It was one thing to see Graeme coming from a distance, but once he got closer the authority with which he carried himself prickled the hairs on everyone near and made them quiver with the need to submit to him. The burning gold of his eyes only increased this effect, making him seem almost otherworldly—as if he had descended from the stars with the power of the gods and goddesses leading him. This was an Alpha like no other that they had previously known.

Even Terach, so stubborn in the face of authority, felt his knees quiver when those golden eyes were right in front of him and the Alpha aura engulfed him.