Words of Victims

"Take her to the dungeon," Graeme snarled to his Beta who was frozen in shock next to him, staring on at Violet who remained standing at the back door, her chest heaving with the courage that she had just displayed in accusing their Alpha of not only lying to them all about the vampire and the elders' treachery but also being disloyal to his Luna.

"Sam," Graeme's voice was so low and terrifying that those surrounding him submitted involuntarily, the weight of his fury so oppressive that they could not stand being near to it. "Take her. Take her, before I kill her," he commanded, breaking Sam out of his stunned state.

Violet's mother was frozen in shock behind her daughter, her hands bracing either side of her face as she looked toward Graeme. Was Violet being honest? Or had her daughter just done the stupidest thing imaginable? She couldn't tell, but she knew Graeme was furious. If looks could kill, her daughter would be dead right now.