That's a Yes

"So you are going to let her offer herself in trade for August?" Lucas' gruff voice came from the doorway. His eyes flashed with disapproval when the Alpha and Beta turned to greet him.

"Lucas, come in," Graeme waved him inside, his forehead furrowing at the emotion he felt emanating from the male who had grown so close to Neoma.

As a lycan, it was natural to be sensitive to the emotions of others. Emotions were often scented or discerned from body language, but there was something more that Graeme felt from Lucas at the moment. In fact, he had started noticing it when he was addressing the crowd outside the pack house. It was like the energy of the pack members was manifesting as a hum of static slowly becoming visible to his eyes. He didn't focus much on it, but he realized that this was likely similar to what August had described as the Veiled. Was he starting to gain this additional sense as well?