Worth the Risk

Seth studied Nedra as he held the unconscious August in his arms, considering what to do. If Zagan set the alyko free and had not missed the Luna so far, then maybe it didn't matter where she rested until she was conscious and out of pain. It wasn't like he was aiding in her escape.

"Let's go this way," he jerked his head toward the atrium that was now open to the rooms without any glass restricting its access. "I don't need any questions from my team about where I am taking her."

"Gossips," Nedra muttered under her breath and followed him, watching as he jumped down the two floors to the ground and landed with August in his arms. It was such a soft landing, she wondered how lycans like him managed it. They had human bodies, didn't they? It's not like he was currently in his wolf form, and yet he was so graceful—handling that jump as if it was nothing whereas she would likely break something.

"Can you make it?" he called up to her.