Mythic Immortals 4

"Of course he is not your mate," the intruder chuckled, his frozen grin beginning to crack as his thoughts shifted. "As you correctly surmised by my surprising change in height and ability to alter other physical characteristics" he said, fluidly shifting his face back to its regular proportions as he did, "I am part fae."

"Congratulations," Nedra grimaced. "I always imagined fae being quite a bit nicer and more… pleasant to look at."

"I am not nice or pleasant to look at?" He asked, genuine surprise alighting on his now palatable features.

"You are horrifying," she said honestly, her face twisted in disgust.

"Hmmm. I suppose you would think so. For as much as you may wish to be, you are not fae are you?" He asked with a smug grin.