What Did I Miss

"You cannot do something like that," the vampire's voice had gotten very low as he stalked Penelope's way. He did not like the suggestion that everyone who knew him might forget that he existed, and who could blame him? Something like that would be a profound loss for anyone.

He got closer, so close that he should be able to reach out and grab her, but the walls of the cage were between them and Penelope watched with anticipation as he tried to do just that. His chin was tucked, fierce eyes glaring with the blooming darkness overflowing from within, arm extended as he thrust his hand forward to grab her by the shirt, but then he hit the invisible barrier—his hand collapsing against the flat surface of it with a thud.

Furious surprise spread across his face as he flattened both of his hands against the wall of the cage. And then he started pounding on it, testing its strength, roars of anger erupting from his abnormally large mouth with its hideous clenched teeth.