Off Limits

"It has been good for you being with the others," Lucas said as they came back to the clearing behind the pack house. "You seem happier. Not as eager to leave us so quickly."

He let her walk out from under his arm now that they were out of the colder part of the forest. The sun was able to shine here on the clearing, and it was much warmer than where the trees were densely packed together, creating one large shadow where the sun couldn't penetrate.

"I have been learning a lot from them," she smiled softly. "And Graeme offering to have me in the pack was unexpected… I guess I am happier. I never thought I would belong anywhere, but it feels good here. It feels right. Even after everything I have done…"

She looked down at her feet instead of up into his blue eyes. For some reason she couldn't hold his gaze.

"I saw the way you reacted when Pearce said you should be locked up. You have to stop feeling guilty about all of that," he muttered.