Charlotte's Hope

While Violet had seemingly settled down, there remained a charge in the air of the chambers like the atmosphere before a storm. Graeme remained standing, and while he did those who had submitted to the authority of his presence were still kneeling on the floor of the chambers or, for those who were sitting in the mezzanine rows of seats, bowed low so that their eyes were not raised above him.

Now Graeme had to make a decision. Would he allow this show to continue? Because for Violet, that seemed to be exactly what this was: a show. She was going to test his authority at every juncture and get as many words in about her conspiracy theories and distortions of facts against him as she could. There was no question that if she spoke out against August again, he would end it. But perhaps, if he continued to let this go on and allowed her the rope that she was tugging on, she would hang herself with it in the eyes of the pack without him needing to do it for her.