
"I'm so relieved you're back," Graeme breathed against her shoulder. "I haven't been sleeping. I haven't been…" he broke off his train of thought. He was talking about himself and his feelings while his pregnant mate was sitting here, supportive and forgiving and way too patient with him.

Plus, she had just led them all through bringing back two dead pack members. They were talking about what had happened here while she was gone, but he hadn't even asked about her… the one who had been off fighting a vampire. What was wrong with him?

"What is it?" She ventured into his silence.

"Goddess, I'm selfish," he said, cupping her face and her hair and running his hands down her arms. "How are you, Little Red? What happened? What happened with the vampire?"

August took a deep, slow breath in. "I don't know where to start. He's… alive."

"Wait, he's… he's alive? Like alive alive? With a beating heart?"

"Yes, alive alive," August chuckled softly.