The Little Lady Brought Forth Change

First, it's Hartigan who has a bad temper, and now, it's Maximilian.

Things are getting harder and harder to understand. It would have been fine if they would not involve someone else in this. Yet, as it turned out, they were not satisfied with just keeping it to themselves.

And because of that, Lady remains bamboozled.

Even though she doesn't know what's going on at the moment, she can sense how tense and stiff the air around them is. The temperature may have also dropped. It's almost as if a snowstorm is coming. Of course, all these could just be her imagination.

But going by her father's expression, she can't help but think otherwise. 

"Don't get it wrong, Daenerys. We attended the party because we're invited. Nothing more, nothing less…" Maximilian then suddenly disclosed, finally turning to face Julian.