To Where the Flowers Bloom

It seems that things have gone according to Weiss's plan even without him doing anything. 

The thing is, what Hartigan doesn't know is that the Acquaintance Party is supposed to be for the high school division only. However, he had Lloyd, the head of Golden Rose Academy himself, allow the middle school division to attend the event this year. Catalina eagerly supported the idea, which he doubted was for no particular reason. 

Basically, Weiss has prepared something special for Lady on Friday night.  

He was actually thinking of inviting her to the party himself. But it was still fine with him that someone else beat him to it. What matters is that she has agreed to come. 

"You look quite thrilled," commented Fallon all of the sudden, wondering why Weiss could not seem to stop grinning the whole time they were having lunch.

"Oh, it's nothing." 

"Try me. You're up to something, I know. Don't hide it."