Mess with One, Mess with the Others

Everyone gasps at Lady's revelation.

She cries harder, sniveling every now and then. Getting more concerned, they give her tissues, try to soothe her with words, and do just about everything to comfort her. She stoops her head low, face buried in her hands – then, she smirks. 

From behind Lady, Weiss and Fallon quietly looks on.

"Just look at this girl, bro. Terrifying, ain't she?"

"She is getting better in acting, it seems."

As usual, they only let her be. They got taken aback at first. After all, they thought she got so hurt she's even ignoring them. They did not catch on what she was planning. Now that they did, though, they decided to just play along with her whims.

"The SES did what to you?"

"How? Why? What happened?"

"Did you get into a fight?"

"Are you sure it was the SES?"

"Can you tell us more?"