Side of the Heroine

The conversation goes on, and for some reason, Sarah can't help but continue to listen.

"Sorry to ruin your fantasy, girl, but I heard he's already interested in someone. Besides, don't you still know? The student council is being put under fire today. That upperclassman is one of those who're getting attacked. Perhaps, he's not really what he seems."

"Who cares about that?! As long as he's good-looking!" 

Sarah cringes at that.

Whoever is talking all big right now, she might end up dating a criminal one day. 'Just how stupid should you be to only care about a guy's appearance and nothing else? Phenomenally stupid, I say,' she thought, feeling like slamming her head on the table in exasperation. She already read the article that the school publication released, and she was able to judge how bad the student council was being portrayed.

It was bordering brutal. Just as expected of those two boys.