I will Carry her


Why was this feeling so familiar? 

She felt the same when she was forced to leave her chambers and move into the maid's chambers when she was accused of a murder she haven't. 

Even at that time, she fell from her position. The only difference was here… even if her falling from her grace was not official, it was clear her position was fallen here. And people were back to snickering at her, gossiping about her, and cursing at her without any inhibitions. Just like before. It's the same here. 

It's the same cage but the cage was different. 

It's the same pain but it's a heavier pain. 

It's the same betrayal, but this time betrayal was done by her husband.

  It's the same punishment for which she hasn't committed again. 

People say in the end, you will end up at the starting point all over again.