The brown haired girl

Amelia fumed as she threw another glass on Rene who did not dare to move. It was the first time that she was at the receiving end of the anger of her mistress. Or else she had always been adored and praised for her wits. Who would have thought that the dumb girl would take the matter so seriously that she would stubbornly stuck on the point of changing her to a normal servant. This was the first time that her truck backfired!

"Young miss, I will make sure that the new maid will spy on her as well too." she promised as she looked at her angry mistress but instead of getting assured, Amelia fumed further.

"Do you even know whom Hazel had chosen as her maid?" Her sharp voice and deathly glare created goosebumps on Rene's skin. But she could only swallow her fear and look at her mistress with pleading eyes.

"It is Elie." three words were enough to shatter all the promises of Rene and make her paler. This was the second defeat she had faced in a few hours.

"How could that be!" she shook her head as she could not believe that there could be such a strong coincidence!

Amelia snorted as she took the glass of wine from the table and gulped the contents in a single sip and then threw this glass on Rene too. This time Rene was too shocked to save herself and the glass hit her forehead. It created a small wand and the blood started dripping out of it instantly. Yet the girl did it come back to her senses.

Elie! How could it be! Elie was the youngest maid of the palace. She was the daughter of the last butler who had served the palace all his life. So, she was appointed as the maid of Olivia out of kindness. But soon Amelia realized that she was a headache. She was too honest and sweet, and outspoken. She would tell the whole world if she came to know about the reality of Amelia. Therefore, Amelia shifted her to the kitchen, with an excuse that she cooks well. Yet the girl often visited them, not because she liked Amelia or had developed an affinity to her. But to complain to her about her maids that behave rudely from others and Hazel.

She tried to dismiss the girl making various excuses, but Elie was perfect in her work, no matter what task was given to her.

She had even made excuses in front of her father but the man was not that receptive when it came to these small matters. He had given his word to take care of both children of the butler, so he was not ready to throw the girl out of the palace. This way Elie had become the thorn in the life of Amelia. She was planning to trap the girl in a scandal when Hazel announced that she wanted Elie to serve her.

She told me that she wanted a young and bubbly girl around her who would keep her entertained. 'Entertain my feet!' Even the thought was enough to make Amelia fume again.

Hazel looked at the brown haired girl with a complicated expression. The girl was looking so young and sweet that she did not know what to say. Her big bright eyes were like a rabbit trying to observe everything near her. But the more she looked at her, the more rage filled Hazel's heart.

One thing she had benefited from coming back in the past was she knew her friends and foes. She knew the future of the people around her. One of them was the girl standing in front of her. Elie!

In the past Elie was blamed for stealing the new diamond necklace which Amelia had received on her birthday. Even Hazel had looked at her with hatred and disdain when she was thrown to the prison. Eli continued to plead that she was not guilty, but her pleas fell into deaf ears.

Her whole life was destroyed by one theft. Hazel had even commented that a person should not be greedy. Now all she felt was guilt while looking at the girl. Not even in her dreams had she thought that the most greedy person among them was her own sister Amelia whom she had taken as the most innocent person.

"Uumm, did I do something wrong, elder miss?" asked Elie as she looked at the dull eyes of the girl. Hazel had pulled a long face as if everyone had wronged her and now she would beat everyone.

Elie did not know why she was chosen among so many servants when she did not know anything well. Amelia had told her that though she was not good at anything, she would learn with time. But she was not sure if the new mistress would be this patient with her. Especially when all hazel was doing was staring at her this whole time.

"If you tell me my mistakes, I will improve my older mistakes." She blinked her eyes like a cute puppy. She was looking so adorable that Hazel felt a lump forming in her throat.

"No, I am just being emotional that a cute girl has come to serve an old person like me." murmured Hazel and Amelia blinked. She looked at hazel again. Hazel had not even crossed her twenties. She was a maiden with beautiful golden hair that fell up to her waist like a waterfall and eyes made of gold. Her face had the glow of a new born baby. Elie could not see Hazel and old words together. Her skin was supple and soft and her lips were luscious.

"But you are young and stunning my lady." retired Eli, no matter how she looked, Hazel was a pretty girl. Hazel smiled brightly, getting a compliment from the girl in a confident voice, the girl who was looking nervous just a second ago.

"Then you are happy to be my maid instead."