Who will be their Luna!?

Hazel snorted at his possessive reply. The man who did not feel a bit of remorse while killing her, was showing remorse, as if he was the most upset person by her disrespect.

She hid her face further in the pretense of crying when her eyes filled with killing intent.

"Apologize to her. And return! Or I would ask my guards to throw you out!" continued Jonathan. He even wanted to show his powers and authority to the man who did not even blink or frown. As if he could not listen to Jonathan at all! He continued to stand there and look at the girl who was acting while her hands were clenched into a fist as if she was seething. But he knew that he was not the reason for her anger!

His eyes moved towards the man who was barking continuously. A frown formed on his lips that were curled upward just a minute ago!

"To think that a person like you could be so brazen! Guards! Guards! Throw the man out." shouted Jonathan once again when he saw that Richard was blatantly ignoring him. How could a mere servant be so insolent? He was nothing but a messenger!

Jonathan was shouting when his eyes met with Richard. The golden eyes were burning ferociously. It felt like the flames would come out of his eyes and would engulf Jonathan into it. A chill ran down his spine and he took a few steps back. But when he realized that he got afraid with just a messenger, his pride did not let him bow down his head!

He coughed and then moved forward and glared back at Richard, who had not even uttered a word all this time!

"Are you even listening to me?" asked Jonathan and finally Richard shook his head.

"No! I am deaf!" His sarcastic reply made Jonathan dumbfounded while a few had to muffle their laughter to keep their lives! They were sure that Jonathan would seethe from rage if he felt that others were laughing at him.

Richard turned to leave. He walked towards the door without any hesitation. As if he did not care about the girl anymore and the promises and requests he had made to the girl were all a part of illusions. But when he reached the door. His steps halted. He felt like he was losing something very important there and he would regret it if he would not take it with her.

The feelings started to suffocate him! His hands moved towards the first button of his shirt and opened it. He had thought it would ease him, but the feeling of uneasiness continued to be there.

He turned to look at the girl, hoping that she would understand his dilemma but the woman was not at all affected. Her head was still bowed, and she did not utter a single word from the start. But he could see that she was planning.

She was not at all affected with his absence. All her mind was busy making plans for the future. He shook his head. Why was he getting so attached to the girl and caring about her when she did not even care about his presence or absence?

He walked out of the garden but instead of going into the palace again, he walked out of the palace followed by his hidden knights.

The knights were confused from the start as to why they had come so far to meet a girl as their new empress instead of choosing one among them. They did not understand the reason for the strange behavior of their alpha at all!

When the man did not take the initiation to climb the carriage, many exchanged glances. They all had the same question in mind but no one had the courage to ask him directly.

When Richard reached the entrance of the palace. There was a silver hope in his mind that she would follow him and come with him. He knew that she wanted revenge, yet he could not understand why she was not ready to accept his help in it!

"Alpha!" a knight came forward and opened his mouth. But the dark eyes and strong aura of Richard was enough to make him silent. The man gulped his rest of the words in his mouth.

"My lord, are we still waiting for the lady?" asked another and finally Richard turned to look at him.

"No! She had made her decision already. She did not want to come with us. And we need to go. But I am tired, so I booked an inn nearby. We will continue our conversation tomorrow." The man looked at the palace for one last time before entering into the carriage. The rays of twilight, made his pale face place. He looked lonelier when he climbed to the carriage with that disheartened face.

The knight felt that was looking rather miserable and lonesome today. Was he upset too or all this was an illusion of their eyes!?

They all blinked and then looked at each other.

Did their mighty alpha who had never felt tired even after killing all the monsters of the boundaries? He had never even taken a break after running the whole empire. Never had they heard that he was tired even after managing the whole pack! Yet he was exhausted after such a small journey? Could this be because of the lady? Even they had felt that the girl was unreasonably cold towards their alpha while weak and frail towards the other greedy human. Yet they were glad that she had denied or else they would have to accept a human as their Luna.

They could only hope that she was not the mate of their alpha! But then why was he here in the first place. Why would he come to marry a woman whose origin was so different from theirs? They all gave one last look to the carriage before climbing on their horses as they could not run freely here.