The tea has been made already

'The place had been changed. Did the young miss not know about it?' of course, she would not know about things kept in her room! But why was she not telling others that I was helping her instead?

"Young miss!" She called Amelia again to request her to clear the matter. But before she could even speak a word or Amelia turned to look at her the maid snorted again!

"Ha! You are still standing here! I must say you are too brazen! Would you leave now or I will call the guard and ask him to drag you to the head maid for punishment." berated Rene who was silent all this while. Then she looked at the other maids and continued, "just look at her! How she used to be a meek and untrained maid, my lady had taught her everything yet she is behaving so brazenly in front of her. We should teach her a lesson!"

Before Elie could deny or give explanation other maids had come closer to her. They all surrounded her and now Elie had nowhere to go!

"But I have done nothing. Please trust me." tears welled up in her eyes. She could see everyone was looking at her with hatred but she did not understand why! Many of them were her friends and family!

Her last hope was Amelia, whom she tried to look for. But the maids had covered her completely so she could not see Amelia's face.

"My lady, why don't you tell them that I was not even in the room when you got the injury?" requested Elie as tears started to fall from her eyes. Her face had turned pale yet she did not want to give up!

"Yes! She had done nothing. So, let her go!" came the soft voice of Amelia but it felt pressured. There was something strange in it. Yet Elie shook her head at her oversensitivity and then looked at the maids with a bit of confidence, though it was almost crumbling. She did not have the courage to face so many at once.

"Ha! You think we will listen to my lady. She is just trying to protect you!" said the same maid again who had bumped into her before.

"My lady, you do not need to protect her. She should be taught a lesson or she would never learn!" came the voice of Rene from behind. She had not joined the group of maids who had surrounded her; she was enjoying the show while standing beside Amelia. A shrewd smile on both of their faces and their eyes were filled with evil glint.

All the maids nodded at the statement of Rene and looked at their prey with a smile. One of them slapped Elie with all the force she had.

"Buzzzz '' Eli's ears started ringing and her whole body shook with the impact. But before she could revolver her senses back, another slap landed on her other cheek.

"Buzzz" this one was even stronger than before. Soon, the slaps continued. Every maid that was standing around her started to slap her and beat her! Tears started to flow with immense pressure but she still stood there straight without showing any sign of giving up!

But that only increased their anger. If Elie would have begged them, they would have let her go but her defiance only irked them further. They continued to beat her in the name of discipline until their hands started to hurt. Blood started to seep out of her mouth a long ago and her whole face was swollen now. Her cheeks had turned red as if her whole skin would peel out and blood would start to ooze from there.

Finally satisfied and tired they let the girl go who staggered. She was not able to maintain her balance the way she had been beaten. She held the pillar behind her, to stop herself from falling.

Shock was still evident in her eyes! She could not believe that she had been beaten this much without any rhyme or reason!

"Why are you still standing here! Leave!" a sharp voice brought her back to her senses and she realized that she had not moved at all.

Amelia was already sleeping on her bed soundly. That was when she remembered that her mistress would still be waiting for the tea before her sleep.

She gritted her teeth as she looked at all the maids for one last time, one day she would take revenge for what happened to her!

She turned to move but the pain was hurting her a lot and the way she was held tightly for such a long time had drained all the power of her legs. She was staggering while walking and it took a lot of effort to walk properly.

Slowly, after a lot of effort, she finally reached the kitchen.

She looked at the furnace that was already extinguished! And sighed. Now she had to burn it up again! One mind told her to let it go but others chided her for her selfishness. After all, Hazel was not responsible for what had happened! She still did not understand how the simple situation turned into this!

Lost in her thoughts, she took the dry woods to put in the fireplace when a maid walked towards her.

"Are you going to make tea for the elder miss?" asked the maid and elie nodded.

"I will finish it up soon and will clean the kitchen later if you are worried about that!" added Elie as she knew that the maid was responsible for sleeping in the kitchen and taking care of it.

The maid nodded, "that was not why i was asking. The head maid had told me that you were making tea for the elder miss, but she had sent you to the young miss because she was not able to find other maids.

I waited for you a bit, but when you did not come even after a long time, I made the tea at your place. I had made tea for my elder sister before, so I know her taste. You do not need to burn the woods again!`` The maid took out the kettle and a set of cups with a bit of cookies and cakes decorated well in a tray.

"Thank you! I will remember to help you next time."