Start of my revenge!

"Ummm, how much blood do you need?" the moment her scared words left her lips, a devilish smirk formed on her lips. He was enjoying how she was scared, yet she was trying to behave bravely in front of him.

He moved closer to her as his eyes instinctively moved from her face to her neck and she gulped.

"Nothing but just a few sips from the neck." he spoke in a raspy voice and she gulped further.

"Al.. alright! Then you can drink mine!" her voice was a bit nervous but she did not have a choice. She could not ask others and more importantly she would not let anyone else know that her husband drinks blood.

He took a few steps closer to her while enjoying the visual feast she was giving him. His eyes glowed when she held her hair in her hands and moved them to her other side of the neck as if presenting her neck to him.