Taking sides

"My lady, since everyone is dancing, would you like to join them?" Elizabeth raised her head as she looked at the son of the duke standing in front of her.

She had seen the man a few times in the party and even at her place talking to her father and brother about politics and ministry of affairs.

His father did praise him a few times so she had a good image of him in her mind.

Her eyes turned to look at the dancing area where Richard and hazel were dancing intimately and so as another daughter of the count were falling in the arms of her brother. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, while she was sitting there alone with the count who was trying his best to flatter her. But the whole conversation was only awkward for her.

So, she nodded hastily to get rid of the table too.

She did n9ot want to hear the foolish conversation of the count and burn her ears.,

With that thought, she forwarded her hands and held the hand of Jonathan.