Follow Me

"My lady, how will you go if you will not take the carriage?" asked the coachman with a worried face. The lady was new to the place and he was sure she had not seen much around.

"You do not need to worry about that! I know where i  want to go and it is nearby!'' The man could only nod since he did not have any authority to continue to question her. She was still kind enough to not snarl at him.

"But I am assigned to follow you everywhere by the alpha! I will not let you go alone!" Daisy felt no fear as she continued to follow Hazel even when she had denied it many times.

"Fine! But you will not ask any question and follow my every order once we reach there no matter what it is!`` Hazel warned as she looked at Daisy with cold eyes.

She was still not sure if she was going on the right path since she had her eyes covered when she was taken to that dark place but she had seen the place and the scenery outside of the window before dying.