Help Me!

"Mmmm" a soft moan escaped her lips as her heartbeat started to increase with every touch of his when he used the chance to enter in her mouth and enjoy her heavenly taste!

His eyes were turning darker as he looked at her for a few more seconds as if waiting for her to react! As if wanted to see if she would try to struggle or close her eyes and accept the kiss.

But all she did was staring at him with her big animated eyes that had turned a bit watery with fear or anticipation!

"You always have something to say no matter what! Then why are you so silent now?" he muttered with an annoyed voice and she blinked.

What was she supposed to say when he was holding her chin with his one hand and the other hand was already wrapped around her waist! He had just kissed her! 

Should she say thank you or tell him it was nice? Was it even a way to react after getting kissed?