All Her Fault

George gritted his teeth as he felt sarcasm in the words of Alex when he stood up and left!

That arrogant bastard did not even bow his head in front of him. What did he think of himself? It would be better that he would tell Richard how Alex was trying to vye his wife!

Richard would be enough to teach him a lesson while he did not even need to dirty his hands. With that thought he felt better as he turned to walk upstairs.

But just as he turned, he saw Diana standing there and looking at her with cold eyes. Her face was filled with hatred and disgust that George looked away,

Though he felt a tinge of guilt, he did not feel regret! There was no way he was going to ruin his nobility and treasure for the girl who was already dead!

She was a mistake from the start anyway!

He climbed the stairs without looking at her but as he walked past her, she held his hand bravely that surprised him!