Admonish Him

George frowned as he looked at the door once again. The knights who had come with him had gone to check when Hazel would call her but it had been hours since they were gone but did not return.

Just what was taking so much time?

He had to meet her and solve the matter as he had to report to the royal court early in the morning. If he would not get a reply today then what would he reply to the court.

His grip on the cup of tea tightened as he started at the number of people going here and there. The whole scene looked busy.

  Could it be the crown prince was keeping everyone busy and they did not get time to return!

Should he go and merge in them. If he somehow reached in front of the crown prince and asked for some time, he would not be able to deny it in front of so many people. 

After all, he had a good relationship with their family. Why would he try to ruin his image and their relationship due to it!