Kill Her

"Knock knock!"

"Are you there, my lady?" The sound of knocking on the door brought their attention back to their current condition. 

Hazel cleared her thought and gave a look to her dress to make sure that she was looking fine,

"Yes,  you can come in." sitting elegantly on the sofa while having an upset expression on her face. She leaned further and covered her eyes with her hands while her elbows were resting on her lap.

She looked like she was in the middle of crying. The maid felt apologetic and awkward at the same time.

"That.. my lady. His highness is requesting to meet you. He said there is an emergency and he needs your presence in the meeting room.`` Hazel raised her head that was stained with tears while her eyes were swollen.

Alex was impressed on how she had squeezed so many tears out of her eyes in such a short amount of time.