Their Sweet Life

"Mmm, i will wear pants in a while but you are wearing my shirt and i have no spare clothes!" she pursued her lips but felt aggrieved.

"Then, why did you tear my clothes that badly? You could have taken them off gently too." she complained with a pout that he blinked.

He had never seen him behaving like that and he could not explain how joyous he was feHazelng.

His eyes sparkled like tiny stars but when she struggled to move away from his embrace, his eyes darkened. Her mounds jiggled and moved whenever she moved and it made his desires grow again.

Last night, he tasted her and he was starving for that again. Like a beast that had tasted the blood for the first time, he could not control his desires.

"Hazel, I am too hungry to wait. If the meal is not ready, then I will just have you!" Hazel widened her eyes as she knew where this was going to end.