Game abilities?


In his room, sitting, Sebastian spun his gaming chair speedily.

The boy didn't stop until he was completely dizzy and sure that the panel followed where his eyes looked and did not come from the monitor screen.

"A system!?"

Late but still on time, Sebastian was surprised and a bit confused.

But ignoring his shock, more words and voices started to appear from the panel.


[All-star Gaming System initiating: Become the biggest e-sport athlete in the world!]

[Welcome host]






[Detecting no functional e-sport industry in the current world...]

[Initiation failed]


[Creating alternate option...]


[All-star Gaming System Edition B: Become the biggest gaming live streamer in the world!]




[Detecting game live steam public in decline! Analyzing market: game-related content in live stream platforms: 5.36%. Current viewers: 0.64%...]

[Initiation failed]


[Creating alternative option...]


[All-star Gaming System Edition C: Become the biggest gaming video content creator in the world!]



[Creating alternative option...]

[All-star Gaming System Edition D: Become the biggest video game creator in the world!]



[All-star Gaming System Edition J: Create a decent game console company of the world!]



[All-star Gaming System Edition M: Become a non-mediocre...]



[All-star Gaming System Edition O...]










[All-star Gaming System Edition X: Survive to this crappy world]


[Wait... this is actually working...]

[Hell yeah!]








[Enjoy! Host!]


After the massive load of information, Sebastian couldn't help to scream, despite being alone and no one would hear his complaint. Maybe the marionette, if not counted as himself of course.

But to put in context, the confusion of Sebastian didn't come from what a system is. No, no, no, completely the opposite, webnovels next to videogames, anime, comics, and series were part of his daily entertainment and methods to kill the time.

He had read enough Chinese webnovels to know that now with this 'golden finger' his destiny is finally going to change for good and that soon he will become a SSS class hero capable to destroy the feared creatures… BULLSH*T!!!

This crab clearly looks unreliable!

What kind of cheap systems can't even log in in their host!?

"Hey, system!"

[Disclaim: Due to [ALL] the energy being consumed to execute the downloading, artificial intelligence will be… [SHUT DOWN], all the system functions will become [AUTOMATIC]…]


Wait… So this system basically killed itself trying to exist?


I don't want it!

Where is the control panel to uninstall this pirate APP?

I want it gone off my head!

I don't need a system!

I have a good life already! Don't you see?

Give it to someone else!

Sebastian won't forget how in only 28 seconds, this system had a total of 23 and a half errors!

He doesn't even need to be a programmer to know that a system with 82.14% of bugs doesn't get launched on the market! And much less in hands of users!

But no reply came back from the system, it seemed like the artificial intelligence being shut down wasn't a joke.

He waited, called, waited, called. But the only thing it seemed to react was to the word 'system'— in his head or actually being said.

"Hey system, what you are good for?"

[Selecting from pre-written automatic responses…]

[All-star Gaming System Edition X functions include:]

[1.- Extracting abilities from video games played.]

Sebastian was suddenly perplexed.


That doesn't sound bad…

The distrust he had toward this thing decreased slightly.

Considering the purpose of the system as 'Survive to this crappy world', it isn't hard to deduce that these abilities will be used to fight monsters like the ones that...

And to think that at the beginning it was about e-sports… this is pretty useful!

After all, a system is a system.


What's next? What other functions do you have?




Second? Function number two?



[Opening system…]

The panel of before about 'function' disappeared, the new one that replaced it had only two bottoms, one said 'Host' and the other 'Shop'.

No trace of anything else.

He blinked his eye…

The hell?

That's it?

Where is my second function!?

Sebastian clicked and searched everywhere trying to find what he was looking for, but all attempts were in vain because there was no such thing.

"Stupid system! Why do you make a list if you don't have a number 2!"


He felt cheated.

His impulse to delete this system outbroke a new limit.

Yet just like there was no second use for the system, there was no 'uninstall' button.

Not only that…

Usage tutorial? None.

Instruction manual? None.

Customer service? None.

The system looked so poorly designed that it wouldn't even pass the beta phase in any developer company. And if someone moron enough put it in an app store, there wouldn't even be enough stars to rate.

Sebastian looked to the sky (roof) and spun the gaming chair.

"🎶🎶🎶You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round. Like a record, baby…🎶🎶🎶"

Downstairs, the marionette started pole dancing with the broom.

"Extracting abilities from video games played… Hmmmmmmm…"

After a while, the three neurons inside Sebastian's head started working again. Which led him to have no choice but to analyze the only clue he received.

With the system having no further intention to explain how itself worked, Sebastian took advantage that the shooter was already open to testing it out.

He turned off the speaker and changed to a headset.

The moment he clicked on 'start', a new panel was opened automatically.

[ Mission: Kill 100 enemies ]

Only that message, nothing else.

So he went ahead to play thinking this was a usual game.

If there's no time or match limit, in this fast-paced shooter, killing 100 enemies isn't even hard, the issue was only sooner or later.

The character controlled by Sebastian jumped off the plane, flying straight to find weapons and equipment in an urban area of the map.

As he opened the parachute he saw… what the f*ck? Why there's a dude beside me?

He landed, that dude landed too, both in the same balcony.



+50 XP


+290 XP


"What a way to start the game." As Sebastian unalived the player with clean hits, the skull marker on the top of the game became a "1", and so did the counter of the system.

[ Mission: Kill 100 enemies ]


The journey has started.

He may have seen a player enter this house, so he walked around the building and opened the back door.



A player shot him from the other side of the road, Sebastian's screen turned red but he could stoop in time.

The player ran out of ammunition, they loaded, but when they peaked their head again, Sebastian was already aiming.


Sebastian followed the red footprints…


Is that a car?

The teenager took out an RPG.







Killing from 6 to 10 players per match that lasts around half an hour each, and including the occasions he died, after four hours, he finally finished the task.


[Mission completed!]

The old screen disappeared and new text popped up:

[Chose your reward:]

1.- FN SCAR 17 mastery

2.- .50 GS mastery

3.- RPG-7 mastery

[Option 1 selected]

[You have obtained [FN SCAR 17 mastery Lv.1], continue to play to level up this skill!]

At the moment he chose the reward, Sebastian received in his head all the information of how to use this assault rifle: faster load techniques, aiming knowledge, knock-back experience, wind direction comprehension, weapon maintenance skills, etc.

He came from 0 to a 100% understanding of the gun.

Of course, the one hundred was an exaggerated misconception, there was obviously room for more improvement. But if he had the gun on his hands, he could easily break the record in the 'Pumped Up Kicks' ranking competition.

Yet it was also retributed that he didn't have the rifle, making it impossible to test how expert he had become. The shooting ranges don't offer you a Scar to try, even more, impossible if there's no license, and then, he's also a minor.

[You have played this game for 4.1 hours, your reward is [15] coins]

The notification appeared after he closed the game.

Followed by the curiosity of what he could use these for, Sebastian opened 'Shop' in the system.

He then saw two frames on the screen. The left one said 1,000 coins and the right on 10,000.

"......." Sebastian closed the shop in 1.8999 seconds.

"Haha… it's been a long time since I experienced poverty, hahahahahaha…ha…ha….ha…."



Where are my hundred of thousands of martial arts and cultivation techniques!

And my weapons crafted with the scales and bones of legendary monsters!

Then my magical scrolls that can make a pact with demons and gods!

Where the f*ck are they!?

Plants that by eating increases my spiritual power?

The liquid that expels all the impurities of my body?

Minerals used to forge demonic swords?

Mutated creature eggs?

Magic items?




Sebastian opened the 'Shop' again.

Those two items were still the only ones there.

No refresh bottom, no countdown to change the commodities, and no discount of any kind indeed.

One of them costs 1,000 coins and the other 10,000.

Looking at his 15 coins that represented half a day of effort, Sebastian knew that it will take him at least a month to buy the first item and probably a year for the second.