Chapter 8: Not time for dinner

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


Diana picked up the book, the Darkhold, and walked to Edward and Strange, who was freed from the leather strips when the clone was killed. She handed the book to Strange, and handed her arm to Edward to help him up with a big smile.

However, the moment she did she regretted it. She met many men, and most would feel ashamed of being helped by a woman, and helping him up would just be adding salt to the injury. Their manly pride couldn't take it. She had lost many people she thought to be friends because of this. She didn't want to lose him too because of this.

However, because of the thrill of the fight, she had to open her mouth and boast.

My time to shine… My time to shut up!

But as she was starting to overthink things, Edward took her arm, getting up with her help as he said "Nowhere near as impressive as the Force… please don't tell me you are my father, I would be crushed."

A radiant smile appeared on Diana's face as she lightly punched his shoulder and said "You fought valiantly, you would definitely be accepted in Valhalla if it were still functional."

Edward crossed his arms in front of his chest in a protective manner as he exclaimed "Valhalla? Do you want me to die?"

Diana laughed and said "My bad, wrong praise. You are a mighty warrior and smart strategist, is that good?"

Edward laughed back and was about to say something when Stephen say "Oh, how lovey-dovey… should I just go on my own?"

On the side, Stephen had already opened a portal back to Kamar-Taj, with the Ancient One waiting on the other side. Both Diana and Edward rolled their eyes as they walked through the portal, followed by Stephen.

On the other side, the Ancient One was sitting in the same position as earlier as he said "I see you managed to win over that witch, and quite beautifully at that. Nice grappling technique, Doctor Strange."

Stephen rolled his eyes as the two others laughed and put the Darkhold on the table and said while walking away "Sure, make fun of the Sorcerer who who risked his life for the world!"

Diana said "He's a funny man." Edward, on the side, shrugged as his costume turned back into his clothes from earlier, and said "When he isn't being an arrogant ass, he can be a good teammate…"

He then took a deep breath in as he turned toward the Ancient One and said "Well, this was fun, but I'm tired, and I should go back home… I have some repairs to do."

The Ancient One nodded and said "I understand. As for you apartments, don't worry, everything has already been taken care of."

Edward was curious about that, but Diana put her hand on his shoulder and said "He is speaking the truth. Come." Edward nodded and waved at the old man as they walked away.

As they were about to exit, Edward looked at Diana and said "While you look dashing in this armor, I don't think it's the best outfit for the… well, common world?"

Diana looked down at her armor and said "Right, silly me. Would you mind bringing me my clothes so I may change." She gave Edward the keys to her car as and he nodded.

Her car was a Mercedes, one that came out this year if Edward's knowledge wasn't too off, so it definitely was quite eye-catching. However, robbers definitely better not put their eye on it, if they tried to steal it here, then they would deal with Sorcerers, and if they stole it somewhere else, it would be with an angry demigoddess they would have to deal, with demi not being a certainty.

Edward quickly grabbed her clothes, which included panties but no bra, which he ignored because he was Serenity and he always kept a calm mind and would never have any nefarious thoughts… right.

He brought the clothes inside and waited for her to change. He definitely wasn't blushing as he did. Nor did Diana flash a cheeky smile. Nor did his boxers get tighter. Nope.

As Diana drove the two of them back to their flat, they were both too tired to say anything. The fight was short, but quite intense, and Diana had fought mentally against Circe as the witch tried to possess her, something Edward didn't know.

When they arrived, Edward was pleasantly surprised to see his apartment was back in it's original state, even his crushed TV and X-Box were replaced. Wait, maybe not replaced, repaired. Magic.

Diana, who entered the apartment with Edward, said "Magic can be wonderful sometimes." Edward turned to look at her and asked "The owner of the building is a Sorcerer?"

Diana shook her head and replied "She is standing in front of you." Edward smiled and said "I thought so."

The two smiled at each other, and Diana eventually said "I should thank you for helping me. Last time you invited me to dinner, so allow me to do the same."

Edward nodded and said "Well I don't see why not." Diana nodded and said "Great, it's decided then. You eat with me tonight, I will let you taste my cooking. Come on."

Edward was a bit surprised, but he accepted with joy as the two moved upstairs, to Diana's apartment. They were in the middle of the afternoon, so it was far from being time for dinner… but fuck, who cares.

A few hours later, Edward and Diana lay naked in bed. Diana said "That… was… incredible. I never thought I could enjoy myself so much with someone so…"

Edward chuckled at her hesitation, completely breathless, and said "So weak compared to you, you can say it, it's alright. Accepting my weakness is the first step to getting stronger. Besides, that's some stamina you got there… damn. That was even harsher than master's trainings."

Diana rolled over, laying on Edward as she asked with a fake pout "You didn't like it?" Edward stole a kiss from her as he replied "It was great, although I can't believe you did not save your virginity for me. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined."

Diana lightly kissed his neck as she asked "Is it?" Edward hugged her and kissed her once again as he said "Okay, I yield, best sex I ever had, but please don't drain the rest of my Chi, you emptied my dantian."

Diana grinned and jumped from bed, making certain areas of her body bounce as she said "That's some fancy way to call your sperm and your balls."

Edward replied "Oh, unlike you dirty talking scoundrel, I am a refined man whose words are worth more than gold."

Diana snorted and said "Could you remind me who's royalty here?" Edward smiled and said "Well fuck me. Don't, it's an expression, you really emptied me."

Although he had a literally divine beauty naked in front of him, Edward couldn't even get it up. She had drained everything he had, but he didn't lie, this was by far the best sex he ever had.

He struggled to sit up as she put on her panties and a shirt, and went for the kitchen. It was now really time for dinner, and Edward had to admit it came just at the right time as he couldn't have held on any longer.

Still, he was feeling quite good about himself, his performance was quite… godly, she didn't strike him as someone who would lie, nor fake orgasms… but that was for him to think about, and others to fantasize about. Was the princess rubbing off on her, turning him into a lewd poet?

With some effort, Edward walked up behind her as she started taking out the ingredients for dinner, and hugged her from behind as he said "Do you want help?"

Diana turned her head and pecked his lips as she said "I said I was making this to thank you, so go put on something, and sit."

Edward bit her ear as he said "I like that commanding tone." He let her go and moved back. However, as he was putting his boxers on, Diana added "Scratch what I said, no need for a shirt."

Edward chuckled but did as he was told as he saw Diana look at his body. Those three months of intense training had turned his previously thin and weak body into an athlete's, or even better.

Diana cooked some veggies, with beef and a delicious sauce, and all of that in about an hour. Apparently, this was a recipe she learned in France, and it was definitely good enough to be true.

Strong, rich, funny, sexy, perfect alchemy in bed and a good cook? Well, things were looking great. Another advantage of practising Internal Strength training and cultivating Chi was his everything was enhanced, that includes digestion, recovery from fatigue, and sperm creation, so as they finished eating, Edward was already ready for their… honestly, he lost count, so let's say next round. Let's say he did not sleep much that night.

The next morning, the two of them were waken up by Edward's clock. Despite her strength, Diana still needed to sleep, although she could go for long periods of time without sleep if she wanted or needed to. As for Edward, he wasn't really in the right state for meditation, and sleeping once in a while was pleasant.

As the two woke up, Edward felt his body ache, which wasn't an unknown sensation to him thanks to Dragon's training. It was Monday, so they both had to go to work. After eating breakfast, the two had one last long kiss before splitting, each going to their own workplace.

Although yesterday was great, Edward was a little impatient to get to work. After the fight against Cheetah, Edward had gotten some of her tissues, as well as some blood, and as he entered his lab, he began analysing them.

Cheetah was a perfect mix between a human and a cheetah, with the advantages of both races. Although this wasn't Edward's and Connor's goal, it would allow them to make considerable progress.

He first looked at the DNA, but he couldn't see what was making it stand out. However, it was when he saw the strands of RNA that he understood. It didn't make sense, it went against everything Edward ever learned, and yet, here it was before him.

The shape of DNA was well known, it was a double helix shape, and the lesser known RNA was a single helix. Actually, DNA was a by-product of RNA, as matching nitrogenous bases would be created based on the RNA, creating the second helix…

Those could sound quite cryptic, but the important thing here was that the first helix of DNA is copied on the strand of RNA, and the second strand would then be created to match the first one. Each nitrogenous base would have a matching base.

But here, the first helix was normal, but the second one was the problematic one. It didn't match. Why? He didn't know. How? He didn't know. Well, maybe he did. Magic.

What he was sure of was that this wasn't natural, nature would have associated matching bases, meaning there was a force binding those two helix together, forcing them to work together. That force, probably was magic.

This was but a hypothesis, but this was exactly what science was. Make a theory, experiment, and draw conclusions. As maddening as his theory sounded, what he just saw was even crazier, so he decide to just go with it.

Now, what he needed to do, was to find a way to replace magic to bind those two helix… no, he needed to find a way to force the cell to produce the second helix he wanted it to create, force nature back and create the helix he wanted.

If this proved to be a success… well, he better work on it rather than hope for something that very well may be impossible.

Meanwhile, his assistants were quite puzzled by what Doctor Bell was asking of them as it didn't make sense to them either, but they still followed what he asked, and did their job.

Notice: Shoutout to Jon for becoming my first Patron! Huge thanks!