Chapter 25: Black Knight

The two men put up their guards, and one of Arthur's knights, Lancelot, was acting as the referee. As he signalled for the fight to begin, Edward jumped towards Arthur, and swung the sword in his hand towards Arthur's side.

Arthur smiled and moved his sword in between Edward's sword and his body. The pace of the block wasn't fast by any means, but it arrived just in time to parry Edward's sword.

Edward expected this and wanted to use the counterforce from the block to deal another blow extra fast, but he was astounded to find the counter force from Excalibur perfectly nullifying his own force.

When two objects smash into each other, they both have a momentum and energy. The difference in momentum, energy and resistance will determine the outcome of the collision.

If one of the forces is weaker than the other, then it will be 'damaged'. In a sword fight, the weaker force would be pushed back, this is the counter force.

However, if two objects possess the exact same force, then they will nullify each other, and all movement will be stopped.

But this is nearly impossible to do in a sword fight, no one can calculate the force of the enemy's attack and use the appropriate strength to counter it. Even more so considering the sharpness and resistance of the two sides that would differ, Arthur's sword was Excalibur, and legendary sword, and Edward's was a simple training sword.

The biggest the difference in sharpness and resistance, the closest the two energies have to be from each other.

To simplify, what Arthur just did was basically impossible, as far as Edward knew. Even he, an Internal Master who completely mastered his strength, couldn't do this. This was something beyond precision.

As for factoring it to luck, Edward knew better than believe this lie.

Because his sword was abruptedly stopped, he lost his balance for a second, giving more than enough time for Arthur to slash across Edward's chest. He did not put too much force, but his sword was so sharp it pierced through Arthur's Armor of the Ancients, and drew a bloody line across his chest.

Edward stepped back in shock as he analysed over and over what just happened, but no matter what he thought off, he couldn't make sense of it.

It seemed Arthur understood his confusion as he said with a smile "Excalibur is more than a sharp sword."

Edward looked at the sword in his hand with interest, and Arthur slightly rose it as it began shining. Edward felt a warmth on his chest, where he was cut. However, it was blocked by the armor that reformed right over the cut. It blocked nearly all forms of magic, even if they are considered helpful.

After all, even a healing spell might hide a more harmful effect under the surface. However, Edward allowed the energy to help him heal here.

The cut was shallow in the first place, so with the help of Excalibur the cut was healed in seconds. Meanwhile, Arthur said "One of the enchantments of the sword allows me to become invulnerable in a fight."

Edward slightly smiled, reciprocated by Arthur who continued "I see you have some knowledge of magic. Of course, it's not really making me invincible, or I would be able to deal with any opponent. However, in a fight against another man, I really am impossible to defeat."

Edward asked "How so?"

Arthur slightly shrugged and replied "Even I don't really know. When I wield Excalibur, I can read into my opponent's every move. Moreover, the perfect counter or attack will naturally appear into my mind, and I only have to follow."

Edward slightly nodded and said "So you can be said to be supremely skilled. To defeat you, it would take someone so strong even skill won't help you, or an army big enough to tire you out… Although I guess Excalibur also has enchantments that make you stronger than any other man and something to restore your stamina."

Arthur grinned "Merlin put his heart and soul into making this sword. It allowed me to become invincible in nearly any battles. It seems I do have limits though, as the prophecy says you are the chosen one. I am curious though, how did you reach such power? You seem as strong as me, who has an enchanted sword."

Edward replied without hesitation "Since you told me so much about your sword, then I guess it's only fair. Are you familiar with the concept of Chi? Or Life Aura, vital energy…"

Arthur shook his head, so Edward explained "It is an energy present within every living being in the universe, and theoretically even in inanimate objects. It is this energy that animates you with life. And this energy nourishes your body, allowing it grow. For a normal human, their Chi will naturally stop growing once they reach their prime. However, a technique from the East allows this energy to continue growing, and mine has grown to the limit of humanity, making me a Chi Master."

Arthur looked surprised as he asked "Does this energy have any other purpose?"

Edward nodded and said "It allows me to age slower, heal from my injuries faster, grants me a resistances to illness and poisons, and if well mastered may even do much more. If you want, I can teach you."

This time, it wasn't only Arthur, but all the knights who were surprised. This Chi was obviously a great power, and if what Edward said was accurate, then this power could make any army invincible.

Arthur, clearly sceptic, said "Would that really be alright with you?"

Edward smiled and said "Fighting against Morgana and her army, I would rather have stronger allies. Moreover, I'm not giving it out for free."

Arthur slightly tensed up when he heard the last part, and began weighing out his options. This power was more valuable to him, a king, than anyone else in this world, as a stronger army meant a stronger kingdom.

As he was thinking about what limit he would set to himself in order to accept Edward's deal, the later said "I would like to spar with you while I am here."

Arthur abruptedly stopped and said "What?"

Edward replied with a smile "That's me request. I want to spar against you everyday, so I may improve on my swordplay. I know that your time as a king is precious, but I…"

"I accept! I…" Arthur nearly exploded, before he cleared his throat realizing he he was showing too much excitement, and continued more calmly "I accept your deal."

Edward smirked at Arthur's reaction, and proceeded to teach them all about his meditation technique.

Edward wasn't afraid of his actions having any repercussion in time as the Ancient One and Merlin were already using their spell to avoid this kind of thing. Moreover, for him sparring with Arthur was important, he probably wouldn't ever find another similar opponent that was so overwhelmingly more skilled than him, and allow him to improve so much.

When Arthur described to him how his invulnerability felt, he felt this was quite similar to his Chi Sense, as if it was a stronger and more evolved version of it, and so sparring with Arthur seemed to him a great idea to improve his Chi Sense.

And it would also allow him to perfect his swordplay, so he felt this was a good deal.

The group trained under Edward for some time, until the sky started darkening. Arthur sent Edward to his room, telling him that a maid would come fetch him for dinner.

Since he didn't really have much else to do, Edward meditated, resting his body and spirit.

So when the maid did come to his room, he was full of energy as he was led to the dining hall.

There, a long table stood erect, it was a rectangular one, with many seats, certainly for all of Arthur's knights and eventual guests, like him.

Aside from him, Edward saw another knight had arrived first, it was Percy. Edward did see something strange though, the servants around the room were looking at Percy weirdly, and whispering among themselves.

After listening to them using his enhanced senses, he understood why they were looking at him. Apparently, Percy was a fool, a buffoon who could only live off the king…

What was wrong with them? Isn't the Black Knight supposed to be the most famous knight under Arthur? And even if he wasn't, were servants daring enough to insult a knight? Knights were parts of nobility, after all.

Faced with doubts about what he heard, Edward approached Percy. However, he couldn't just ask about his reputation, so he said instead "You showed great talent for Chi earlier, and you were really skilled. It is Camelot's pride to have you."

Percy smiled slightly and replied "The sword does most of the work. Unfortunately, the price to such power is expensive as well."

Edward asked "How so?"

Percy sighed and said "The sword is not ordinary, it has a mind, like Excalibur. It's because of how it was created."

Seeing Edward's curiosity, he continued "Years ago, a rock fell down from the sky. The ore of the gods, or as Merlin calls it, Ebony Starstone. He had me forge several artefacts out of this material, a sword that could sunder any matter, a shield that could turn any blow, a chalice, whose draught would bring knowledge and a staff, to support one weary with wisdom."

"He asked me to choose one, and I chose the sword, and the others were sent into the Acheron, whence the blood of the dead is carried from one world to the next."

He put his palm onto the sword's handle, and reminisced "At first, this was already a great weapon, capable of cutting anything and never losing it's edge. I never sharpened it, not even once."

But his expression turned somewhat sadder as he added "As I fought more and more enemies though, my personality started warping, sometimes going against the oaths of a knight. I asked Merlin for advice, and learned that my sword absorbed the blood and malicious intents of those I slew, and developed a mind of it's own."

He sighed and said "The more I kill, the stronger the sword gets, but with it's power, it's influence over me also grows."

Edward couldn't help but ask "Can't you discard it?"

Percy shook his head and said "Unfortunately, I can't. It is bound to me, and flies right back to me if I get too far away from it, or if I haven't used it for a while. And if someone without my blood in their veins tries to hold it, their minds will be shattered by the sword's. The worst is, when I die, the sword will continue cursing my descendants."

Edward slightly patted his shoulder and said "Sorry, that sounds terrible."

Percy shook his head as he forced out a smile and said "I refuse to let the sword turn me into an evil man, and use it's powers for my king. For example, absorbing the negativity gathered inside Excalibur, letting it remain a holy sword. Or act as the Black Knight to hold his command."

Edward raised an eyebrow at his words, and asked "Act? Not be?"

Percy smiled and asked "That's what you wanted to ask since the beginning, wasn't it?"

Edward smiled, but Percy couldn't see it because of his mask. So he nodded. Percy looked around and said "Due to family reasons, I can't show my prowess, which is why I act as a fool in the presence of others, and only when the kingdom needs my help do I become the Black Knight."

Edward patted his shoulder, and said "That is very brave of you. Not many men would be able to discard their reputation for the greater good. You have once again shown me that you are much more than a man with a powerful sword."

Percy slightly smiled, and asked "What about you? I don't know anything about you."

Edward was about to say something when a female voice sounded out behind them "I am quite curious too."

The two turned around, and saw Zatanna, dressed in her usual magician costume.