Chapter 30: Vikings

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He saw Arthur and his knights standing in front of Camelot, alongside a part of his army. Across them, was another army, which was human, much to Edward's surprise.

They were led by a tall and buff young man with long blond hair, who had a long axe in his back. He and his men had the same look, an iconic one Edward easily recognized as the vikings.

As he walked through the portal, Edward saw Arthur had a grim face, and wondered why Merlin wasn't acting.

As he appeared, the viking leader looked at him, before fixing his gaze on the Ebony Blade, which was on his back. He had the Armor of the Ancient add a sheath for the blade in the armor.

Arthur looked at Edward, a little relieved, but he was visibly tensed. He looked back at the viking leader and said "Camelot does not wish to fight against your people! Go back from whence you came!"

His voice was boosted by Excalibur, giving his words a valour that was hard to resist. The vikings were affected by it, but the leader brushed it off as he said, looking directly at Edward "Mortal, surrender that evil sword before I come take it."

Edward raised an eyebrow and said "And who's asking?"

The man grinned and one of his followers shouted "You are speaking to the all powerful God of Lightning, Prince of Asgard, Thor Odinson!"

Edward saw the men on his side tremble, and even Arthur tensed up, they were facing a god after all.

But Edward only looked up, staying silent. Thor raised an eyebrow and said "Are you deaf?"

Edward merely smirked at the provocation and replied "The sky is awfully bright for a God of Lightning."

His words stunned the vikings, before Thor growled "You dare mock a god?!"

He took out his huge axe and made a powerful jump of at least twenty meters toward Edward, smashing down his axe toward Edward. As his anger rose, clouds started appearing in the sky, but that was it, a few clouds.

Edward wasn't really surprised by the presence of a god, his girlfriend was Zeus' daughter after all. As for why he didn't fear him, it was thanks to his Chi Sense. He knew gods were really powerful as Diana, a half goddess of the Greek's King of the gods, was many times more powerful than him, so Thor should be much stronger than him.

However, facing him was obviously a young Thor. The Chi he felt from the God of Lightning wasn't that much stronger than his own, and was nothing compared to Diana. Although it was a rather rough way to judge someone's strength, it still told him this god wasn't an invincible opponent.

The only thing that could escape his senses was the god's Lightning, but it seemed he was unable to use Lightning to attack. And even if he could, Edward had the Ebony Blade to block them, and even use them to attack.

Despite all this, Edward still chose to dodge the descending axe, and as he did he realized he did well not trying to block the blow.

As Thor's axe hit the ground, a rift was opened in it, creating a several meters long and deep cut into the ground. This young god was obviously very stronger.

As his blow missed, Thor mustered his strength and immediately sent another attack, swinging his axe toward Edward's midsection.

The blow was quick, but Thor's own speed on his feet wasn't very impressive. Edward had more than enough time to react as he jumped above the young god and swung his sword.

Thor watched as the dark sword slashed at his shoulder, cutting it open. He hurriedly jumped back and looked at Edward more warily. His opponent obviously wasn't a simple mortal, that he understood now.

Meanwhile, Edward watched the wound on Thor's shoulder with surprise, it was healing at a visible speed. But perhaps the more surprising fact was that he hadn't aimed for his shoulder at all, but for his face.

At the last second, Thor had shown an astonishing speed as he dodged the slash. This also made Edward understand that Thor had maybe been holding back.

The next moment, Edward felt Thor's Chi rumble as he ran toward Edward, his axe against the ground. As he reached Edward, he slashed up, while Edward slashed down with his Ebony Blade.

As the two weapons clashed, it instantly became very clear that Thor was much stronger than Edward as the Ebony Blade was sent flying out of his hands, while the web between his fingers was torn apart.

While Thor grinned confidently, thinking victory was his, Edward knew better, and attacked Thor with the Crane Stance. Caught in his delusions, Thor couldn't react in time as Edward's palm hit his shoulder.

He had felt Edward's strength earlier, and he was confidant that even if he hit a nerve, he would be able to shrug it off.

However, at the last moment he saw something strange, Edward's hand, which was covered in that blackish armor, had taken a purplish glint to it. Then, he felt a great pain in his shoulder, which forced him to drop his axe.

And it was over as Edward jabbed multiple of Thor's weak points with his Chi clad hands, damaging the young god's body to the point he could barely stand.

But as Thor was about to fall Edward felt Thor's Chi become suddenly stronger as it churned even stronger. Edward hurriedly stopped jabbing at him and jumped over him, just in time to dodge his fist hammering down.

The ground trembled so hard the nearby men fell to the ground, and cracks spread out.

But when Thor turned around, prepared to defend against Edward's attacks, he only saw his outstretched hand. He barely heard cries from his vikings warning him when he felt something pass through his waist, and saw the Ebony Blade sticking out of his chest.

Thor coughed blood, but ignored the pain as he threw himself onto Edward, intending on impaling him with his own sword.

Edward didn't move in the slightest as his sword hit his body, and abruptedly stopped. Thor looked down in wonder as the sword, which had easily cut through his godly body, was stopped in place by Edward's body, not even cutting his skin.

Edward grinned and grabbed his sword, before taking it out of Thor's body. He could have slashed from either side to nearly cut the god in half, but he showed mercy as he merely pushed it back with his telekinesis, keeping the god's injury relatively minor.

Sword in hand, Edward pointed it at the young god's throat, and asked "Do you surrender, Thor, God of Lightning?"

Thor growled "Do you think this evil sword will keep you safe?"

Edward shook his head before Thor could throw any other attack, and said "It is not an evil sword, not anymore at least. I cleansed it already. Here, look."

Much to Thor's surprise, Edward threw his sword at him without a care in the world. Thor grabbed the sword and closed his eyes. Although he wasn't as accomplished as his brother in magic, he still knew a thing or two as his mother forced her teachings onto him.

He checked the sword, and much to his astonishment, there was a trace of an evil aura, but it had long been cleansed by another energy, probably the mortal's energy.

He gave Edward his sword back and asked "Who did I lose to? Are you another god?"

Edward grinned under his mask and said "You lost to a mortal man, known as Serenity." Thor squinted his eyes and said "Mortal man? But I can feel a strange aura from you…"

Edward shook his head and said "It is probably because I come from the future." Thor seemed enlightened as he repeatedly nodded, and after a moment of hesitation he said "It seems I was misled into attacking you. I apologize for that."

Edward raised an eyebrow and said "I didn't think a god would apologize to a mortal. It does seem to be a trend."

Thor replied "You are no mere mortal, you defeated me in battle, and spared my men. You deserve my respect. But you speak as if you met other gods?"

Edward smiled and replied "Not really a god, a demi-goddess. From the Greek Pantheon."

Thor's face morphed into disgust as he said "The Greeks… a bunch of rapists." Edward snorted and replied "At least she's not. But I think you should talk to King Arthur over there, you attacked HIS castle after all."

Thor waved his hand dismissively though and sent one of his men, a man called Leif the Lucky, before saying to Edward "Let them talk between themselves, I am thirsty after this mighty battle! Come, I'll show you around Asgard, my home. We shall drink for weeks until we can no longer stand!"

Edward smiled and replied "I am flattered by the invitation, but I have things to do here. An evil witch to defeat and a demon to kill."

Thor grinned excitedly and said "That sounds fun! Count me in!"

This surprised Edward, in a good way, someone of Thor's calibre would be very appreciated in their battle.

As Thor said that, a portal opened next to them, and Merlin came out of it. Thor said with some distate "A magician."

Merlin bowed slightly to Thor and said "Greetings to the prince, I hope your father is doing well." Thor asked "You know my father?"

Merlin shook his head and said "Not personally, but I fought with him once… Edward, the attack in planned for in a week, so I suggest you accompany the Prince back to Asgard. To relax before the final battle… I have a feeling it is going to be a difficult battle."

Edward felt surprised by his premonition, Merlin had already shown to be a great seer, so his words didn't sound good.

However, before he could ask anything Thor erupted in laughter "Great! Heimdall!"

As he said that, a rainbow seemed to fall from the sky as it enveloped both Edward and Thor, before quickly disappearing.

As it did, Arthur approached Merlin, and asked "Was that really a god?" Merlin nodded and said "It was the Prince of Asgard, son of the mighty Odin Borson."

Arthur couldn't help but ask "Is it because of him you didn't intervene?"

Merlin sighed and replied "Many years ago, I fought alongside the Asgardians, and their king, the Allfather Odin, isn't someone you want to provoke."

Arthur looked up and asked "Will Serenity be fine then?" Merlin smiled and said "No matter what he says, he is on the road to Godhood, so what could be a better place for him than the palace of the gods?"

Arthur looked stunned, before showing a smile. Soon, he returned to his duties as he welcomed Leif the Lucky and his vikings, who would be their guests until the final battle against Morgana and her armies.

Author's Note: Before anyone picks up their fork and begin a witch hunt into the comments to say Thor wasn't born in 600, this event actually happened in the comics, and not so long ago. In Black Knight: Curse of the Ebony Blade #3, Thor attacks Camelot because of the Ebony Blade and is defeated by Percy. The event itself it probably an anachronism as Thor wields Mjollnir in that vision, while in Mighty Thor he has to wield Jarnbjorn in the 9th Century because he doesn't have Mjollnir, and he is already very young. So that fight between Thor and Percy as the Black Knight was an error, but it did happen. I just changed his weapon and power to make it a little more believable.