Chapter 54: Moso

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


At around 7pm, long after Donna came back from school, Edward appeared next to Diana's workplace, dressed in a dark blue suit and matching tie. His hair was styled, but still had a wild look to them, courtesy of Pop's Barber Shop. That old man really was an artist.

He looked quite elegant overall, and there was a reason for this. Soon enough, Diana exited the museum, heading for her car. She was presently surprised when she saw Edward, and before she could say anything he said, "Tonight, we are having a date. I already reserved a table."

Diana smiled and kissed him hello before saying, "Sure handsome, but not in those sweaty clothes."

Edward gaped, he didn't take that into account. He made himself look good, but Diana was just leaving from work… Feeling dumb, Edward was driven home by Diana, who showered and put on a beautiful red dress.

Then, the two finally left for the restaurant. It was quite a famous restaurant in New York, Moso, a 3 Star Japanese restaurant, also known as being the most expensive restaurant in New York City.

Reserving a table in such a restaurant was close to impossible for normal people, but for Edward, who was now a world renowned scientist, giving his name was enough to get a couple of seats by the end of the week.

The average person wouldn't know about him, but he was famous in the 'important' circle, even though he didn't hang out with those people.

Anyway, as they arrived they were led to the counter, behind which Chef Moso, who owned the restaurant, was working. The decoration was mainly wood and marble, looking expensive but classy and subtle.

Surprisingly, the 26 seats in front of the counter, which should usually be full, were empty, and Chef Moso was standing not behind the counter but in front of the seats, clearly waiting for them.

The chef bowed slightly as they arrived and said, "It is an honor to have you dine here with your companion, Dr Bell."

Edward was stunned at the respect the man was showing him, and shook his head as he bowed back, replying in perfect Japanese, "I do not deserve such respect from you, Tokayama-san."

Moso was clearly surprised by his Japanese, but didn't say anything about it and instead replied in Japanese too, "Of course you don't know, but your creation has saved my wife's life. For that, you will have my eternal respect and can eat here for free for life. Today, I will be cooking for you and your companion only. Please have a seat."

Edward was dumbfounded by the story, what were the odds? He was definitely happy to meet someone who had a closed one saved by his serum though. He already knew it had saved a lot of lives, but reading the numbers wasn't the same as meeting people.

So as both he and Diana took a seat, he presented her, "This is my companion, Diana. We will be in your care today, Tokayama-san."

Moso looked pleased as he walked behind the counter, and began working. As he did, Edward looked at Diana, who was looking at him fondly. She knew he was delighted by the encounter, and it naturally made her happy too.

"So, how was your day?" Edward broke the ice.

"Good, nothing unusual. What about you? Did it go well with the Invisible Girl" Diana replied, not minding saying her name as the two were speaking in Ancient Greek. This was so no one could eavesdrop on them. Even though Moso didn't look like he would spread their conversation around, it didn't harm to have privacy.

"Great, she actually came, which is good already. We will also see each other every Monday from now on, so to check on her progress."

"I see. Do you find her pretty? Or nice to talk to?"

Edward felt a hint of worry from her, and quickly reassured her, "You know, we only talked about training. And you are the most beautiful in my eyes."

Diana lightly smiled at that, and felt stupid for asking that as she apologized, "Sorry for that, I'm being foolish."

He placed his hand over hers and comforted her, "I think it's cute. And it's normal to feel some jealousy, I do too. But I trust you."

Diana nodded slowly, "I do trust you too, it's just that she is beautiful, she is about the same age as you, the same race and…"

Edward quickly stopped her, "You are the most beautiful in my eyes, as I already said. I don't care about your age either, you lived most of your life on Themyscira anyway. And it's the dream of any man to date a Goddess, especially such a sexy one."

Diana laughed lightly with her nose at the last point, but her expression soon turned back to a sad one, "But in ten, twenty, fifty years, I will still look the same. Even in a thousand years, my appearance may remain the same forever. I am immortal."

Edward gripped her hand a little tighter as he responded, "And I will be the same. With my current cultivation, I already have a lifespan of several hundred years, and I expect to improve that number in the near future as I grow stronger. I might even become Immortal too in the end."

She still didn't look relieved though, so he added, "I also have backdoors. I never told you, but I actually met with Death."

Surprise took Diana as she asked, "You met Thanatos?"

"No, I met Death, the one above Thanatos and all gods of death. I met the concept of Death, which spans all over this Universe and many others. It was when I was in Camelot."

"How did that happen?"

"It's not very important, what's important was that I was offered an undying body, that wouldn't age and wouldn't suffer from sickness, and the only way to kill me then would be to wound me. Also, when I was partying in Asgard with Thor, I met with Idunn and was proposed some of their Golden Apples. So you don't have to worry about me ageing, I will do just fine."

Diana felt quite shocked learning of the two facts, meeting the embodiment of death was impressive, but quite a foreign concept to her. But she knew how much the Nordic Gods cared about their Golden Apples. For them to offer some to Edward, it wasn't something Idunn could just decide on her own, Odin must have given a special approval for that to happen.

She was happy though, those were good news. Seeing he had calmed her, Edward went for a lighter subject.

"About your job, you said the same as usual… Are you getting bored of your job?"

"Bored? Not really, I mean it's fine…"

"Okay, you sound bored. You know, you can always leave if you want, nothing keeps you there, you should follow your heart."

"But I like antiques…"

"Does not mean you have to make it your job. You can collection them if you want, and study them in your past time, as a hobby. Who's the wise elder among us?" Their first dish arrived as he made fun of her.

Diana smiled as she and Edward dug in, complimenting the Chef in Japanese before switching back to Ancient Greek, "But I don't want to spend my days doing nothing, I would get bored. You have cultivation, but what do I have? TV?"

Edward chuckled, "I think I have an idea, one that would allow you to stay at home and spend time with me and Donna, while still working."

"And what is that?"

"On the way home and here, you made 14 remarks on my suit. Do I need to say more?"

"Fashion? Seriously?"

Edward shrugged, "Yeah, I could definitely see you become a world renowned stylist. 'Who controls the past controls the future'."

"I'm pretty sure the whole quote is 'Who controls the past controls the future; Who controls the present controls the past.' And Orwell had a whole different meaning for the sentence."

"I know, I read 1984 too, it was just an appropriate quote for the situation, and I think it's cool. You get the idea anyway."

Diana snorted, "I'll think about it. Thanks for your advice."

Then, she hesitated for a moment, and decided to make the jump, "I love you."

Edward was stunned by her declaration, even though they had been dating for 8 months now and they already said the words to each other, he could feel a strong feeling of love from her, his Chi Sense made it quite special.

After an initial stun, he smiled and replied "I love you too, Diana Prince."

The two held hands, eating with smiles on their faces before returning to more casual talk. Moso once again thanked them for coming, welcoming them to come back any time they want, while the two thanked him for the great food.

As Diana drove them back to their home, Edward had a smile on his lips. The dinner went even better than he expected, the food was great, and the talk even more so. It also strengthened his resolve to become stronger, so he may continue living this life, this kind of moments.

For Peace.

For Serenity.