Chapter 63: Reinforcement

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The Kronan grinned as he brought his blade down, and the others behind him were jeering at the humans' champion.

On the other side, the soldiers looked at the scene with rage, several tried to shoot the Kronan, but a magical shield had been created, so they could only watch but not intervene.

But as the blade fell down, and everyone thought it was over, a hand moved up. It grabbed the blade, stopping it in place. The Kronan groaned in effort, trying to take back the blade, but found himself unable to.

He then tried to kick Edward, but as his foot hit the ground Edward had disappeared. He barely had the time to hear the warning cries from his fellow Kronan when a fist went through his body, and shattered it to pebbles.

Edward, who had previously been lying down, was back up to his feet. His Chi was still completely spent, but the might of his body seemed to have spiked up drastically.

The Ebony Blade, which had been sent flying earlier, flew back to his hand as he jumped back into the group of Kronans.

His current state was very special. Although he looked awake, his spirit barely showed any activity. He had reached his limit earlier, in every way he could, and only managed to wake back up thanks to his will.

And now, his body did not follow his mind anymore, his spirit had already fallen asleep, only his will drove his body with a singular command, fight.

For most people, this would cause their battle prowess to plummet down, but Edward's moves had long become been memorized by his muscles, so he moved between the Kronans and sliced them down with a scary efficiency.

All signs of fatigue had disappeared too, and this came thanks to the last change.

His Root Chakra had opened, his first limiter had been removed, it was situated at the base of his spine, and it's effect was to allow Edward to access to one hundred percent of his muscles' potential.

As his Root Chakra opened, his body absorbed Chi madly from the surroundings, and tried to heal his injuries as best as it possibly could, but by doing so damaged his pores all around his body.

It was nothing permanent, it would heal by itself, but for the next few hours he would be unable to absorb Chi, or only at a very slow speed.

Edward didn't care though, or couldn't really. His only task for now was to fight.

Countless Kronans fell under the dark blade under the rain, and as he continued fighting his sword seemed to sometime marge with the raindrops, becoming impossible to track.

Another hour passed, and problems once again started coming up. Edward's body was still intensely fighting, but this time his fighting did not suffer from a drop in it's efficiency, he fought like he wasn't injured or tired in the slightest.

This kept his efficiency scarily high in cutting down the Kronans into pebbles, but his body was suffering, it was breaking down, and if this kept on, it would forcefully stop. Even the strongest will couldn't animate a body broken to pieces.

Fortunately, this time help did come. As Edward relentlessly cut into the Kronan army, the lightning in the sky intensified as terrifying lightning bolts fell down from the sky onto the Kronan Army, eradicating many of them.

A tall fit man dressed in a grey metal armor and with a red cape appeared in the battlefield, a hammer in hand. Lightning fell onto the Kronan Army relentlessly as the man smashed the nearby ones with every single hit of his hammer.

He whirled the hammer so hard and fast a tornado was created, swiping many Kronans in it, whose only fate was to be reduced to rubble, either by the lightning, or the strength of the wind itself.

This man was no stranger to Edward, and as he reached him, he did not attack. Although he didn't have all his mind, he recognized his friend Thor.

With the Norse God of Lightning by his side, the efficiency at which Edward cleared the army picked up.

The terrain itself was irreversibly changed by the huge battle, but as the first rays of the sun showed itself, the only thing left of the Kronan army was rubble.

Thor could be seen somewhere in the middle of all that rubble laughing, satisfied by the fight. After a good laugh though, he looked around, and spotted Edward from a distance. The latter could be seen at the top of a mountain of rubble, his sword in hand, the sun rising in his back.

For a moment, he couldn't help but be stunned at the sight. The same could be said about the soldiers, who had been firing all night. A team of reporters had actually been following them all night, to record the first alien invasion in modern history, and the heroic fight of a measly 2000 men against an army.

The camera, which had been recording for the entire night, zoomed in on the image of Edward, capturing the beautiful sight.

But after a few minutes, they finally started understanding something was wrong, and Thor, who approached Edward, shook his shoulder slightly, but Edward did not respond.

One of the soldiers cried out, "How… How is he?"

Thor laughed and replied, "Don't worry your little head, he is only unconscious! Hahahaha, he fell unconscious but is still standing! Truly the bravest friend of I, Thor!"

Without waiting for their response, Thor turned to the sky and hollered, "Heimdall!"

Under the stunned eyes of the soldiers and the reporter team, a beam of multicoloured light fell from the sky, engulfing the two figures for a few seconds before disappearing.

The mountain was crushed, and the two figures could not be seen anymore.

As Thor and Edward arrived in Asgard, on Earth the news of the battle spread worldwide, and along with it, two pictures.

The first one of Edward standing alone in front of the giant army of Kronans, and the second was still him, standing on the mountain of rubble, the rising sun behind him.

News about Thor also circulated, but the appearance of a God did not make as big of a splash as it should have with the recent news. First, he only called himself Thor, but he wasn't the only one to do so.

Several Supers, be they villains, heroes or neutrals, gave themselves the names of gods, so Thor wasn't confirmed to be a god yet.

Moreover, the world recently went from doubting the existence of Aliens to being invaded by them, and the status of Supers went from high to low, and came back at Super high with the recent fight, so they really couldn't care less about the arrival of Thor.

In the following week, the world went through a major change. Although the alien army had been stopped, a city had been forced to evacuate, and the threat from outer space had become serious, and everyone was aware of it.

This forced the countries all around the globe to quickly start changes to adapt to this threat, and with it came a change to the identity of Supers.

Until now, no one really took the Supers in charge, they were more left to there own account, and the cities within which they lived would be the ones tasked with dealing with them, according to their status.

But now, Supers proved themselves to be a valuable resource, if used well. Although the general public had been outraged by the desertion of the Supers in Trondheim, the governments and the men and women leading them understood this was only human nature, since those Supers were left unchecked they fled at the immense danger.

People like Serenity were rare, and they couldn't expect every Super to jump at any threat while remaining civilians, it just wasn't possible.

And to discuss the solutions for this, to decide how to treat Supers from now on, the United Nations were to hold a general assembly, at which Serenity was invited to attend.

The reason for the invitation was that he had become the symbol of all Supers with his recent act. Norway had officially awarded him with the highest honor, the War Cross with an additional two swords, a medal he could receive at any time.

The War Cross was by itself the highest medal one could get, and the additional two swords were for those whose merit was astounding. Since it's creation, only one other person got the two additional swords, Gunnar Sønsteby, a member of the Norwegian Resistant Movement in World War Two.

This general assembly would, without a doubt, be one of the most important ones to ever take place, and would determine the future of Supers at large.

[Scene Break]

In Asgard, after one week of comatose, Edward woke up. Looking at his surroundings, he immediately recognized Asgard, it wasn't his first time here, and it was the only place he knew of that was made entirely of gold and silver.

He got up from the medical bed and stretched his body, feeling comfortable like never before. Flashes of what happened before appeared in his mind, although he hadn't been fully conscious after he opened his Root Chakra, he still remembered what happened.

Honestly, he didn't think he would survive that fight, he came very close to death. She even greeted him.

It was scary, but he also felt somewhat glad. He had opened his Root Chakra, something he had been seeking to achieve for a while now. Not only was he able to access 100% of his strength now, his body had also received another refinement, which he thought wasn't possible since he had reached the limit.

Now, Edward could feel that if he tried to form his core once again, although his Chi and Spiritual Energy would still be lacking, his body was now strong enough to support it.

"Edward, my brother!"

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Thor, who walked into the room. Thor hugged him, and Edward smiled, "It's been a while Thor."

Thor let him go and laughed, "A while? It has been more than a millennia for me! But I see you haven't changed in the slightest!"

Edward replied, "Well, it has only been a few months for me. Thanks for healing me by the way."

Thor grinned, "You will always be welcome in Asgard, father's orders."

Edward nodded, and asked, "So, what happened to you, Mr Donald Blake?"

Thor became a little more serious as Edward mentioned his other identity, and Thor explained, "My father deemed me too arrogant, and cast me down on Midgard to live an ordinary life as the crippled Donald Blake, to teach me humility."

"And did it work?"

Thor shrugged, "Meh."

Edward chuckled at that, it probably did.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't our favourite mortal."

An annoying voice made itself heard as Loki, God of Mischief, appeared in the room with a flash of green.

Edward looked at the green god and greeted, "Hello to you too, Loki."

Loki showed a devious smile and said, "I'm actually surprised you gave me the true date of your time. I hope you won't regret it."

Edward shrugged, "I won't. I would advise you not to try to mess with me."

Loki snickered, "I don't have any reason to do so, but well, I'm the God of Mischief…"

Leaving behind a nasty chuckle, Loki disappeared in a green smoke, amused by his humour. Thor said, "Don't mind him, no one ever loved him."

A crash was heard somewhere in the distance, making both Thor and Edward laugh.