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Edward nodded at that, and Frigga continued, "Well you can avoid this problem. If you follow this path, forming a contract with creation itself, you will be able to wield magic in it's rawest form, like any other natural magician. Actually, even better as you wouldn't be limited by talent. In a natural magician, talent represents the amount of fragments of creation they can mark around them with their mana, but if you form a contract with creation then all the fragments will be yours to use, but of course you will have to be able to bear the cost."
Edward placed a hand on his Lower Dantian, and asked, "But why not just stick to the Sorcerer Path? Is this the path natural magicians take?"
Frigga shook her head and replied, "This is the purest form of magic possible. Usually, natural magicians not only have their mana to mark and protect them from fragments of creation, they also use some kind of medium to use spells on an instinctive level. For example, your friend Zatanna spoke backwards, using her will and voice as a medium. For us gods, it is our Godhood.
"But you don't have a medium, meaning you won't be able to use magic on an instinctual level. To use a spell, you will have to fully understand the way it works. As a Sorcerer, although learning new spells is easier, you are also bound by them as you can't get creative, you can only use certain spells.
"If you take this new path though, while learning to use magic would take much longer and much more work, you would also free yourself from spells, it would allow you to use magic as you wish, as long as you know how to do it."
Edward stayed silent for a few seconds, before saying, "That's a big decision to make."
Frigga smiled, "Don't worry, it's your path, not mine, so you are free to choose by yourself. I am only giving you my advice, as you asked. But if I can add one more thing, I suggested this path to you because you have spent a long time learning the basics of magic, and I think your knowledge will come very handy if you choose this path."
Edward nodded slowly, and looked around the library before asking, "If I choose this path… may I borrow a few books to study?"
At that Frigga laughed, "Of course! You are welcome in Asgard at any time! And to be honest, I am quite curious at how you will develop in the future. If you eventually find this path not to be suited for you, you could always go back to the way of a Sorcerer."
Edward moaned slightly in agreement, and said, "I have a few things to settle back on Earth… Midgard, I mean, so I will take care of them before coming back here to learn."
Frigga nodded, and sent a look at Thor, who looked bored out of his mind by the discussion. Happy the discussion was finally over, he put an arm over Edward's shoulder and walked out of the room.
Once they were alone, Edward couldn't help but ask, "Did you study magic?"
Thor shrugged, "For a while, when I was younger. But I never really saw the use in doing so, I am the strongest Asgardian physically, and my godhood allows me to wield lightning, which is best used as a pure force of destruction, so mastering magic wouldn't really help me much. But enough about magic, I want to have fun before we go back to Midgard."
Edward helplessly nodded, and the two partied for the rest of the day and the night, teleporting to Midgard using his portals.
Odin had placed safety measures in Asgard so Sorcerers or any other magicians couldn't teleport inside the city, but that restriction had been lifted for Edward.
They first appeared in Norway, where Thor went to meet with Jane, and Edward moved back home. Not in New York, but Central City, at his parents' house.
He appeared on their doorstep in his normal clothing, and rung at the door. A few seconds later, his mother opened, and looked very surprised to see him. However, the first thing she did was to chide him, "You have to stop just dropping by unannounced, you should warn us before."
Edward nodded slightly, but quickly said with a serious tone, "Mom, I have something important to tell you and dad. Are you alone at home?"
Julia looked surprised at her son's seriousness, but nodded nonetheless and led him in.
In the living room, Charles was watching the TV, and as he heard multiple footsteps he turned and saw his son. After some quick greetings, they all sat down, and Charles pointed at the TV, where images of Edward fighting against the Kronans were playing, and exclaimed, "Did you see that Serenity? That was bloody heroic! Facing an army on his own… He well deserved his invitation at the UN."
Edward was about to make his revelation when he caught on what his father said, and asked, "UN? What happened, I didn't watch the news much."
Charles looked at his weirdly and said, "You didn't see it? It was all over the news! The UN is forming an emergency general assembly to talk about the attack, the future of Supers and many important things, as that Serenity was invited to represent all Supers. Rumours say he will have to unmask himself to speak though, I'm curious as to what he looks like?"
Edward did not let his father rave on any longer, his clothes changed to his Serenity costume as the Ebony Sword appeared in his hand, and he started floating from the ground as he sighed, "I am Serenity."
His father froze in place, and his mother did the same before straight out fainting, falling onto the couch. Edward shook his head and came back to normal and woke up his mother.
Both his parents looked unnerved, but before they could say anything he explained, "I have always been Serenity, I started out not long after coming to New York."
His mother mumbled something he didn't quite catch, and his father eventually asked, "Why tell us now?"
Edward looked to the side, a little unsure, and said, "I guess I never really saw the point in telling you before, it would only worry you. But as I fought against the alien army, and fought with my life on the line, I realized that I didn't want you to learn of my other identity after my death, if it ever came to that."
He sent another look at the TV, and said with a slight smile, "Moreover, I may have to reveal my identity soon anyway, so it's better to tell you personally."
He looked back at his parents, and saw they were staring at him hard. His father showed a hint of excitement, while his mother only felt worry.
She was also the first one to speak, "Why? Why do this? You aren't the only hero in the world, can't you just let the others do the job?"
Edward shook his head at that, "First, it's a choice I personally made, and even if I really was unneeded, I would still act. And secondly, if I hadn't been there, what do you think would have happened in Norway? Even if I had died back then, it would have been a worthwhile exchange if it saved the lives of a the population of a whole city."
She once again fell silent, and his father said, "I think we should let him. As he said, it was his own choice, and we should respect it. Moreover, aren't you proud of our son? Look at what he did, he is a worldwide known hero, and was even invited at the UN. And with the threat of aliens, people like him will be needed. Not only for power, but also for the guts to stand against the enemy."
Julia bit her lower lip, obviously still reluctant, but after a while she nodded. She didn't like it, but she also knew her son had grown up and was old enough to make his own decisions. He had always been quite stubborn too, so she knew there was no way she would convince him.
After the revelation, Edward spent a few hours with his parents, comforting them and also learning about what happened while he was comatose in Asgard. It was quite funny too when he confirmed to them Thor was the actual god, and that they became friends when he travelled into the past.
Obviously a lot happened in the past week, but the most important was obviously the general assembly of the UN, which would take place on June 15th, that is about a month from now. A lot had to be prepared for a normal general assembly, and this one was even more important than any before.
Edward was glad it didn't come right away too, he also had to prepare for that assembly.
After spending time with his parents, Edward finally returned home, and as he arrived he saw Donna playing on the console. As the portal opened, she turned around and looked at Edward.
As he walked through the portal, he expected to be yelled at or mocked for what happened, but much to his shock she wordlessly crashed into him, hugging him.
Although he was stunned, he hugged her back, silent. He hadn't really been worried about her as she was quite independent and could live on her own for a week without a problem, but it seemed he had forgotten her age.
She had taken care of herself alright, but for an entire week she didn't see him, while knowing he was injured. She must have been worried sick.
Edward felt guilt when he heard soft sobs from the little girl, and he tightened his hold on her. It was exactly for this he didn't want to tell his parents about his hidden identity, it would only provide unnecessary worry.
But them learning the truth with his death, if he did ever die, he considered that worse, so he chose to tell them. Still, he promised to himself to find a way to avoid such a situation in the future, to create an artefact that could show his status across distances…
He quickly got his mind off magic though, and decided to spend the rest of the day with Donna, only listening to her demands for the rest of the day.
Had it been any other day, she would have jumped on the opportunity and made her best to make him spit out all of his money, but she barely asked for anything outside before returning home. She only spoke a few words, but stayed close to Edward at all time, as if scared she would lose him.
Edward discovered a new side to Donna, and felt bitter sweet. It was nice for their bond to have grown stronger, but he would rather not have forced this onto her.