Rant after Chapter 57

Okay, you people from Webnovel are seriously getting annoying.

First, stop trying to write in other languages, I can barely understand Spanish and even though I'm French, I'm writing this story in English, you are reading it in English, so speak in fucking English.

Second, for this fight, as someone has pointed out, he has already fought a similar opponent, meaning he has experience, so please shut the fuck up and read.

Third, you have some fucking problems. I'm no psychologist, but I'm pretty sure you want to read nothing else than OP MCs because you project yourself on them, so if the MC goes through any difficulty, you don't feel so good anymore.

My point is, it's time to grow up. Life isn't easy. Sometimes, shit happens, and there's nothing you can do about it. And I can see the comments about him being always weak coming, so let me address this here now.

He has fought: Circe, Lizard, Shiva, Deflecting Man, Rhino, Hood, Morgana, Camelot Demon, Young Thor, Super Skrull, Dracula, The Brotherhood and now Sebastian Shaw.

Those are 13 villains, in 57 Chapters, but this is a Marvel/DC Fanfic, of course he is going to fight people. Does he get dragged around? Yes. Why? Edward was a normal dude who was trained by stronger people. Those people gave him the means to become stronger, without EVER asking for anything else in return.

So what should I have done? With the way I have built Edward, I should just have him refuse every request from the Ancient One or Dragon. They taught him the foundation of his power when he had nothing, and him, a benevolent young man who has suffered from injustice barely a few months ago in Oscorp, should just turn them down, shouldn't feel like he owes them anything.

Now, for the fights themselves. Circe served to bring him closer to both Diana and Stephen, and was a necessary fight to let him understand what power was.

Lizard was a product of his own errors, sure Connors made the decision to inject himself with the serum, but it still is his responsibility, so he fought the Lizard, learning about responsibilities. Yes, Spider-Man came to help, but the point of the fight wasn't even the fight itself.

Shiva, he beat her. Yes he had a breakthrough at the end that allowed him to win by a narrow margin, but he is a cultivator, of course he has breakthrough in the middle of a battle, Cultivation 101. Also showed him after the fight that the world isn't black and white, Circe and Lizard were just pure evil by nature or change, but Shiva ended up becoming an ally of his master, and was only there for a debt. So no Chiaroscuro, the world isn't manichean.

Deflecting Man, taught Edward that power isn't the answer to everything, sometimes other means are preferable.

Rhino, vastly overpowered the MC, making him realize he is not strong enough. Contrast with the lesson learned from the last villain, forming a duality, once again going against the lesson from Shiva.

Hood, he completely beat him, and I admit there wasn't much here, I simply needed a way to bring him to Camelot.

Morgana, that wasn't a fight, that was a demonstration that there were powerhouses in the past too, and that winning wouldn't be possible.

Camelot Demon, the whole arc was a classical hero arc, fight the demon a first time, lose. Fight a second time, stalemate. Fight a third time, win. And yet, the perfect hero arc takes place at the only time he is no hero, but a mere time traveller.

Young Thor, strike a friendship, learned that gods aren't the super strong beings he was falsely lead to believe because Diana was the only person with a god's blood in her he met. Taught him that power never comes from nowhere, and that even them needed power to pay for power. He won the fight too.

Super Skrull, that was the application of the lesson he learned against Rhino. The roles were reversed, he won his fight by overwhelming the other with power. Of course in reality he used his weaknesses against him to win, but he still won. Edward lost the last real fight before Camelot against Rhino by lacking power, and he won the first one after Camelot through power, which he earned through hardship.

Dracula, drew a comparison of his power after his breakthrough compared to Stephen, whom he knows to be quite strong. I admit, this fight wasn't as useful as the others, but it was more for future implications that it was put there.

The Brotherhood, again, he was sent here and he accepted readily, I already explained why he accepted. For the fight itself, his confidence starts showing. Before Camelot, he was weak, and he lamented that. Now, he is strong, and gained confidence. This results in a stronger group being beaten back by him.

Finally, the last fight, Sebastian Shaw. The fight hasn't taken place, but I can explain to you the whole point of the fight. Introduce the X-Men, their powers, their group dynamic, and have Edward learn from his past fights. Deflective Man's powers were very similar to Sebastian Shaw's powers, so defeating him, because he will, will show that Edward learns from all those desperate fights, and that his weakness, will become his strength.

Now that's done, one more thing. One of the golden rules of cinema is: Show, don't tell. The same applies for writing too. What's more entertaining? Me simply telling you about Edward, write whole chapters just saying he learns from his mistakes, is weak and so on, or show you through actions and let you come to your own conclusions?

The answer seems pretty obvious to me, and it's why your 'great' stories of OP MCs fucking anything in sight and not facing a single difficulty all get dropped in the first 30 chapters.

I am not blameless of course, I know the story can get repetitive, I don't edit my chapters to remove typos and weirdly put phrases, I suck at romance and writing relationships in general. I'm not trying to sound self-righteous, I simply want to say that the reasons you give me for not liking the story annoys me.

To end this rant of mine, if you don't like the story, feel free to leave, because it won't just magically get easier. Edward will get stronger, much stronger, he is a cultivator, it is in his nature to constantly become stronger. He is already quite strong, and the more breakthroughs he has, the stronger he gets with each one.

What you have read until now was, and still is, his origin story. He will still face difficult fights, ones that seem impossible to fight, but he will survive, he will overcome those difficulties, become stronger, until he no longer needs to do so.

So in the end it's your call. My advise is for you to leave if you can't handle an MC that has to go through difficulties to reach the top, because it won't stop. I hope many of you will stay, I want my story to be read, but I would rather have you leave than leave the same comments every chapter for reasons I deem… misplaced.

Don't let this rant scare you though, just like Edward, I need failures and difficulties to learn, and a crowd of readers agreeing with my every choice will only make my writing stagnate. I just felt I needed to address your late complaints.