Chapter 116: Roma Wyllt

To read up to 20 chapters ahead: https://www.patré


Several decades after Edward left Camelot, Merlin suddenly brought his daughter to the castle. Camelot was still at it's peak, and was completely dominating the surrounding area because of the incredible power of it's knights.

In the royal hall, an older Arthur showed barely any sign of ageing, except for his eyes, which looked less intense as before, he looked calmer.

Merlin stood before Arthur and said, "This is Roma Wyllt, my daughter."

Arthur's eyes trailed on the twelve years old girl Merlin had brought, and asked his magician, "Why bring your girl here now out of all times?"

Merlin ruffled the girl's hair as he replied, "I thought Camelot could avoid the calamity with the changes Edward brought, but it would seem the spell Yao and I used was a little too powerful. You should know that leaving an heir to the kingdom is impossible."

Arthur nodded slightly, his face turning a little more sombre as he said, "You still haven't explained her presence, not that I mind, but it is unwise to bring a little girl here."

Merlin's face also looked more serious as he revealed, "I have a way to pass down Camelot's legacy, long enough for her to reach the time of the only one capable of stopping our fate."

Arthur sighed, "Stop with the wizard talking and explain to me clearly what it is that you want to do."

Merlin tapped the girl's head with his finger and said, "I am the only one who will survive the ongoing conflict, and thus Roma, as my daughter, is the most suited person to carry on the legacy. However, even she would be brought down by fate if left alone, so she needs to hide until she can find the only person who could break her out of her fate."

"And that person is?" Arthur's eyes gleamed with some hope as he asked.

"Edward, of course. He was the one to change fate in the first place by coming here, and unlike Zatanna was the one who made the most change around here, even teaching you and your knights Chi. As such, only by reaching him can our curse be broken."

The gleam in Arthur's eyes disappeared as he slumped back on his throne and complained, "I'm sure your daughter will turn out to become someone capable, but I doubt she can survive for more than a thousand years, and if she could then breaking the curse would be pointless."

Merlin nodded, "Of course I know that, which is why she will hide in the place Edward left here from, not the future, but the passageway between our times. It is a mysterious space where time and space are chaotic, meaning thousands of years could pass in seconds, like seconds could take millions of years."

Arthur once again was lost by Merlin's words, but he did understand there really seemed to be a way for Camelot's legacy to be saved, so he asked, "What should be done about the girl then?"

Merlin pointed at his own temple as he explained, "As I said, I will be sending her in a place where time and space is chaotic, so guiding her by myself would be impossible, she needs a beacon to move. As Edward is gone, the only trace left of him are our memories, which I intend to use to form said beacon."

And so it was done. Arthur gathered the Knights of the Round Table, and Merlin copied every memory the knights had of Edward, and formed a kind of clone of Edward, inserting it in Roma's head.

A clone of Edward had been formed inside the little girl's head, and barely had they met each other that Merlin threw Roma into the spacetime tunnel.

Of course, Merlin wouldn't just throw her in there with nothing and expect her to drift in that place. He had a floating city built into the tunnel, which Roma started living on as it drifted toward their destination.

While time and space were chaotic in the tunnel, time still passed rather normally for the body and the spirit on the island, and years passed as Roma lived on the island alone, with only company her master, Edward's clone.

The clone was a clone of Edward made from the memories he left on different people, and Merlin had also used some scrying magic to make the clone as similar to Edward as possible, for the more similar he was, the faster they would arrive.

Still, travelling in the spacetime tunnel wasn't easy, and they met a few unsavoury people on the way. The majority were pushed away by Merlin's enchants, but some managed to get on the island, and it fell on Roma to push them away.

Thanks to Edward's teachings though, Roma grew stronger as they travelled, and she managed to drive them all away.

Edward's clone had not only taught Roma magic, but he also taught everything he knew about cultivation to her. He didn't know much at the beginning because all he knew was what the original Edward had taught to the knights, but Edward and his clone were very similar to each other thanks to Merlin's magic, so Edward's clone was also able to discover the way forward by himself.

And so Roma had managed to waltz through the cultivation realms as she became stronger and stronger, while Edward also taught her magic. Edward's clone was fully conscious at all time while stuck in Roma's head, and because he couldn't do much from inside there he made his own research, about magic and cultivation mainly.

Moreover, Roma had been forced to make a few stops in different worlds by several entities, which made her trip longer, but also allowed both her and Edward's clone to grow stronger.

Edward's clone was only a copy of someone else, and was a weak spirit when he was created. However, with the memories of Edward's teachings and his own research, Edward strengthened his spirit and helped Roma.

Something both Edward and his clone had found out after a lot of research was the reason why Edward had managed to go so far on cultivation while others were stuck for centuries.

His genius for cultivation obviously had something to do about it, but more importantly was his half opened 6th Chakra, which granted him his Chi Sense.

As it turned out, it was this rare phenomena that allowed Edward to get so far ahead of others. It strengthened his Spirit before he even underwent any kind of cultivation, and thus lowered the requirements for breaking through later.

That's why when Edward fought the spirit of the Ebony Sword, he managed to defeat it, and evolve his Spirit thanks to that encounter. Had it been someone else, not only would they have likely lost, they would also probably not have their Spirit evolved from their encounter, even if they survived it.

Then, Edward's genius, hard work and luck, to some extent, had allowed him to continue blitzing through the cultivation ranks, reaching the power he had today.

But back to Roma's situation, she did not have her 6th Chakra half broken, which meant it would be very hard for her to break through to the Spirit Awakening Realm. Moreover, the only way to circumvent this Spirit evolution was to have a cultivation technique, which they did not.

Those were only created by the original Edward when he was in Arda, and used all of his knowledge at the time to circulate the Chi in such a way in the body that it would trigger the Spirit's evolution forcefully.

But Roma did not have that option, but Edward's clone still found a solution. He strengthened his own Spirit, and once he became strong enough, he nourished Roma's spirit, turning it stronger until she managed to breakthrough herself.

Then, the two worked hand in hand to become stronger, and they fought against various enemies in different world, growing stronger with each encounter.

Finally, they met a bunch of mutants, they were fleeing in time from another bunch of mutants, but more importantly, someone was watching over them. The Adversary.

He was a dimensional tyrant who liked to annex other dimensions to his domain, and that was exactly what was happening with those mutants, he was following their tracks to get to their dimension, and take it for himself.

Roma tried stopping him, they fought, but she was defeated, and he managed to get into the dimension.

However, even after she lost, the dimension was not over, and she met, much to her shock, her master. The original one. He had somewhat changed from the version in her mind, but they definitely were the same people.

Finally, her master in her mind left her body and began speaking with his original, until they eventually said everything they had to say to one another.

Edward's copy returned to Roma, who was crying, and smiled as he said, "There's no need to cry, Roma. I won't be gone."

Roma nodded slightly, sniffling, "That was the deal, you taught me, and I would lead you to your body… I'm sorry for crying."

Edward's copy smiled fondly, and patted her head before floating toward the original. Edward, the original, looked at his copy up and down, and said, "I really am an asshole!"

The original and the copy suddenly grinned at the same time, before laughing loudly. Everyone around them looked at them in confusion, everything about this situation was way too weird, and it was getting weirder.

After a few seconds of laughter, the copy asked, "Can you resolve my problem then?"

Edward snorted, "I'm not useless, I mastered Life and Death magic a long time ago!"

The copy replied, "A long time? Boy, you barely cultivated for a year, you're talking to your ancestor!"

"You are a weak ass ancestor then."

"But I nurtured the best disciple. She even went past you."

"Nothing to feel proud about, she took decades to reach my point, and she's still weak. My disciples may be slower, but you can be goddamn sure they will be stronger!"

"Pff, your only disciple in this universe is a failure."

"Hey! That's hurtful for her, Sue is making efforts despite her problems."

"I guess it's true then, even the best rely on excuses."

"Then you recognize I'm the best?"

"Of course, you're me!"

They both started laughing once again, completely ignoring those around them. After a moment though, Roma had enough and snapped, "What's so goddamn funny!"

Both versions of Edward stood in the exact same position, their arms crossed while glaring down as the original raised an eyebrow and said, "Hmm, good cultivation of the body, but not so much for the Spirit. Get a hang on your emotions young lady."

The copy snorted, "You're the one to talk, you ripped off that poor Hades' face and decapitated his great nephews."

"Who were the Gods of Fear, no one is going to miss them."

Roma's eyes, which had turned red from crying, were now almost bulging out as she clenched her fists. This was a sad moment, after years of being together she and her master would get separated, and yet he was laughing with the original body… Was everything they went through together nothing for him?

Seeing she was getting really desperate, Edward, the original, said, "Calm your pants brat, everything will be alright. Copy, what do you…"

"My name is not copy." The copy retorted.

Edward sighed, "But I'm Edward, and the original, so you can't be Edward too, it would be too confusing for them, it must already be quite hard to understand. Let's call you…"

"Fuck off, I'm deciding my own name. From this day, I'll be…"