Chapter 121: Meeting Fury again

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Edward quickly arrived back on the battlefield, where the other fights were still in full swing.

Sefako was still being fought by Magneto and Wolverine, but he had only one arm left, while his opponents were still in great form.

Magneto was not injured in the slightest, while Wolverine's uniform was partly destroyed, probably along with his flesh, but his mutant power, regeneration, took care of those, pulling him back to full health, while the injuries stacked on Sefako, who was getting weaker with every injury because of Logan's adamantium claws.

As for Graxus, his situation was much better, although he had injuries, he wasn't weakened like Sefako. The hexes couldn't stack too much because the energy from his ring dispelled those curses using the power of his rage, while Graxus overwhelmed Roma in physical strength.

As for the X-Men and the Brotherhood, their situation was probably the worst as quite a few were injured, but thankfully no one died.

While on his way, Edward hoped for some good fighting, but Sefako panicked as soon as he saw him. Before Edward could even get near the so called 'god', Sefako destroyed the sealing array around the city, and opened a rift in space, swiftly entering it.

Edward shook his head at that, although he was disappointed, Sefako was an old entity, and with all his experience of conquest and battles, he knew that invading Earth would be impossible today, and so retreating was the best thing to do.

However, Sefako left on his own, leaving all the others behind. Graxus didn't seem to care as he continued fighting, while the demons wailed at their master's cowardly act.

Edward didn't want to take any risk, and so before going for Graxus, he threw a few destructive spells that spanned over a large area, and only once he dealt with every demon did he turn his attention back to Graxus.

Unfortunately, it would seem Edward was doomed to not experience an exciting fight today as when he was about to enter the fight, another presence appeared.

A giant hammer made of green energy materialized in the air and smashed into Graxus, catching the alien off guard.

The blow was strong enough to make the ground shake, and stunned Graxus. Seeing an opportunity, Roma closed in on Graxus, and with a swift swing of her blade, decapitated the alien.

Graxus was strong, and so was the power of a Red Lantern, but even he died instantly as his head was severed from his body.

As their final opponent was defeated, Edward and the others looked up to see the person who came to help them, and saw a man.

He was dressed in an outfit quite similar to Graxus, except that it was completely green. Edward, of course, recognized the uniform, and levitated off the sky to meet the man.

"I thought this sector did not have a lantern."

The man was human, but more importantly a Green Lantern. The Green Lantern Corps was a police that span across the entire universe, and along with the Nova Corps was one of the few forces ensuring peace in the universe.

"I only recently finished my training. I'm Hal, by the way, from Coast City, California." The Green Lantern, Hal, surprisingly was from Earth. Humans only existed on Earth, but there were other species that essentially looked exactly the same in the universe, such as the Xandarians who looked like humans, for the most part.

Edward shook Hal's hand and introduced himself, "Nice to meet you, I'm Edward."

"Of course I know who you are, I am… you're a legend. It's an honor to meet you. Loved your speech at the UN." Hal replied quickly, truly excited.

The world had suddenly become larger when he became a Green Lantern, the problems of the Earth didn't seem so grave when compared to the universe at large, but despite his new powers, there were some people he would always respect, and Edward was one of them.

Edward smiled at the flattery and pointed at the Red Lantern's Ring as he asked, "You came for that?"

Hal nodded, "Yes, we can't leave such weapons in the wild, you saw the damage a single Red Lantern could bring, if one were to attack an unprotected city…"

Edward nodded in understanding, he was interested by the artefact, but he understood there were rules, and making an enemy of the Green Lantern Corps for his curiosity would be unwise.

Hal grabbed the ring from the corpse of Graxus, and nodded at Edward before flying off.

As for Edward, he looked at the two groups of mutants and said, "No more fighting today, or I will treat you as the enemy."

And like that, he jumped away, toward the house of Mary and her mother.

Edward quickly arrived, and saw the girls were still there. He landed next to them and said, "Everything's been taken care of now. Other people should soon arrive…"

As he was saying that, he felt a bunch of vehicles enter his Chi Sense, and before soon a bunch of black SUV cars stopped around them, and soldiers left the cars, aiming their guns at him.

Then, a black man with an eyepatch arrived, he was Fury, the Director of SHIELD. The man had a woman next to him, blond, and vaguely familiar to Edward, so he tried to remember where he saw her, before finally remembering.

He had trouble remembering her because he had met her a long time ago, right after he was first attacked by a man carrying a knife, and awakened his Chi Sense before being saved by Diana's Nokia.

"Director Fury and Agent Morse, if my memory serves me right."

The blond woman, Agent Morse, asked, "Do I know you?"

Edward shrugged and replied, "I was assaulted, and you came to question me, with another man… Agent Kein, Frank Kein is how he introduced himself, I think."

A frown appeared on her face, while Edward felt some sadness. Edward easily pieced the pieces together and understood the man meant a lot to her, and something happened to him. Not that it concerned him in the slightest.

Fury looked around and finally said, "You made quite the mess, you and your friends."

"Hadn't we been there, the situation would have been worse."

"If those civilians had been in the buildings, it would have been worse… Although it seems not everyone was evacuated." Fury gestured toward Mary and her mother, the little girl looking away when mentioned.

Edward explained, "It may be hard for you to believe, but a dimensional tyrant came to Earth and tried to claim it as his own, and we stopped him. You are welcome, by the way."

Fury snorted, "A dimensional tyrant? Was he after something in particular on Earth?"

Edward shook his head, "No, he simply saw a portal to Earth, and took it."

Fury nodded after a time of deliberation, and finally said, "My boss wants me to arrest you, but that would be unwise."

"Indeed, I don't know who your boss is, but I don't see how you are going to arrest me. I can teleport, Director Fury. That makes all your prisons useless." Edward mocked, feeling spite toward the government.

They couldn't handle having a wild card they didn't control, especially one that could be considered as a walking nuclear weapon. Well, he could even fly, just like the real one!

Fury did not show any anger at his mockery though and instead said, "Do you have somewhere private where we can talk. Somewhere no one could hear us?"

Edward raised an eyebrow at that, and nodded while gesturing toward the two girls, "I do, but first I need you to help those two out. They remained stuck in the city because of an error I made when I evacuated the city. The mother needs to be put in a hospital, send all of her bills to me."

Fury nodded, and sent a look at Agent Morse, who approached Mary and her mother. Meanwhile, Edward opened a portal, and entered with Fury.

Edward and Fury emerged into a Japanese styled garden, making the spy exclaim, "You teleported us to your house?"

This time it was Edward's turn to be surprised, as he asked, "How do you know we're in my house?"

Fury smiled, grinned even, satisfied over getting a victory over Edward. He clearly wasn't going to answer him as he instead praised, "That's a beautiful garden you got there."

Edward nodded shortly, before gesturing toward two rocks, and sat on one. Fury was clearly not very happy about sitting on a rock, but his impassive face showed a hint of surprise as he sat, which obviously quickly disappeared.

Still, Edward caught it, and explained, "Enchanted seats. So, you wanted to tell me about something?"

Fury nodded and took out a file from under his coat. On it was the logo of SHIELD, as well as two words.

Avengers Initiative.

Opening the file, Fury said, "As you ought to be aware, there exists threats in the universe that even the mightiest could not face alone, and that's exactly what the Avengers Initiative is. A team of Supers whose goal would be to face those threats."

"This is a praiseworthy goal, but don't you see the problem? Aren't you following the exact pattern I explained at the UN? Governments gathering Supers and using them as weapons." Edward was already feeling a little angry, and wisps of Royal Will spread out from him, making the surroundings shake.

Fury was a man of great will though, and his face did not change as he explained, "The Avengers would only answer to me on paper, but in reality you would be free to do as you wish, as long as you do what you are supposed to do."

Seeing Edward was still not convinced, Fury added, "Tony Stark is among our potential candidates, and so is the Hulk. Do you think those are the kind of Supers any government can control?"

Edward's Royal Will was reined back in, and he said, "I see. Unfortunately, I think this will be without me."

Fury didn't show any emotion at the rejection, and even his mind was so well hidden Edward didn't feel anything from it using his Chi Sense.

The director of SHIELD got up from his seat, and said, "The proposal remains, so if you ever change your mind, you probably know where to find me."

Edward smiled as he opened a portal back to Philadelphia, and replied, "I do. Goodbye, Mr Fury."

Fury nodded, and left the dimension.

Meanwhile, Edward let out a smile as he crushed a bug left behind by Fury. This didn't surprise Edward, Fury was a spy after all.

This also somewhat relieved Edward as it would seem they were unaware of his ability to feel his surroundings through Chi Sense, as if he did, Fury wouldn't have dared to place a bug.

Edward then started meditating, this Japanese style garden was created by him for his meditation, to relax his mind.

He thought back of the Avengers proposal, but eventually shook his head. He couldn't accept working under the US government, whatever Fury said, they would still be under the supervision of the government.

Moreover, Edward's powers were so versatile that he didn't feel like having a team would be very useful.